
Susie Campbell

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"Ha, I ain't even done half in months! Oh, but they won't fire me. No sir! Place this big, no one knows what everyone else is doing." - Angus Newman

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This article refers to the voice actor at Joey Drew Studios. For other uses, see Susie (disambiguation).

" Alice, ooh she doesn't like liars. "
Susie's audio log
Bendy and the Ink Machine: Chapter 4

Susie Campbell was a voice actor at Joey Drew Studios, being the voice behind Alice Angel and many other minor characters in the Bendy Cartoons, before getting replaced by Allison Pendle.


Early life

It isn’t clear if this was the truth or a made up story for Milla, but allegedly, while growing up, Susie's father was a butcher who had died at some point. She also had a caring mother who taught Susie how to be resilient, strong and optimistic.[1]

Working at the Studio

After she was hired as a voice actress for Joey Drew Studios, Susie would go on to voice a variety of different characters in the Bendy shorts, such as “talking chairs and dancing chickens”. During her job, Sammy Lawrence tells Susie of a new character (presumably Alice Angel) which was in development and may require a “female touch”. This leaves Susie anticipating that something good was about to happen.

Working as Alice Angel’s actress

After Alice Angel’s debut, Susie would become her voice actress, eventually feeling like Alice was a part of her. Many people expressed fondness towards her Alice voice which she greatly enjoyed.

Susie eventually had lunch with Joey Drew, who began his manipulation of her by calling her Alice which Susie felt flattered by. She also was made aware of Joey Drew Studios’ poor financial situation.

Being Replaced

Susie finds Sammy Lawrence in a recording booth with Allison Pendle, Sammy telling her that she was replaced as Alice Angel’s voice actress. She’s left distraught and expresses that she felt a part of her die when she heard the news, and wants to find a solution to this problem. Knowing Sammy is the head of the department, she likely assumed he made the decision when it was likely Joey Drew further trying to manipulate her by causing her to become vulnerable.

Joey's Invitation

Joey Drew invited Susie to a meeting in his office, expressing that he understands how she feels about losing her part as Alice and how he too feels the studio’s characters are a part of them both in a successful attempt to manipulate her. He mentions how he believes his studio’s characters are alive and wants people to be able to interact with them, then offering Susie to do a “ceremony” with him that would make her bring Alice back to life once more. The ceremony was very likely what caused Susie to become Alice Angel in the cycle.


Physical appearance

Susie is stated to have a charming face and smile.[2]


Susie is a naive young woman who has dreams of making it big. She sees the role of Alice as both her destiny and a gateway to go places, claiming that the character is the first she's had a connection with. She had also once briefly been infatuated with Joey Drew when he called her "Alice", heard by her recording in the flooded morgue. Susie also has her moments of being emotional and desperate when things do not go her way, as revealed when she found out she was replaced by Allison Pendle. It is revealed that her personality has become more callous, egomaniacal, and lacking in sympathy and expressing disinterest upon discovering Joey's true intentions.[3]


Audio logs

  • "The New Voice Actress" - Found in Chapter 2: The Old Song of Bendy and the Ink Machine.
  • "Everything is Coming Apart" - Found in Chapter 3: Rise and Fall of Bendy and the Ink Machine.
  • "Lunch with Joey" - Found in Chapter 3: Rise and Fall of Bendy and the Ink Machine.
  • "Behind Closed Doors" - Found in Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders of Bendy and the Ink Machine.

Behind the scenes


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Main article: Susie Campbell/dialogue
  • "It may only be my second month working for Joey Drew, but I can already tell I'm going to love it here!
People really seem to enjoy my Alice Angel voice. Sammy says she may be as popular as Bendy some day.
These past few weeks I have voiced everything from talking chairs to dancing chickens. But this is the first character I have really felt a connection with. Like she's apart of me.
Alice and I, we are going places.."
  • "Everything feels like it's coming apart.
When I walked into the recording booth today, Sammy was there with that... Allison.
Apparently, I didn't get the memo. Alice Angel will now be voiced by Miss Allison Pendle.
A part of me died when he said that.
There's got to be a way to fix this!"
  • "Who would have thought?
Me having lunch with Joey Drew! Apparently times are tougher than I thought.
For a moment there, I though I'd be stuck with the check.
But I gotta say, he wasn't at all what I expected.
Quite the charmer.
He even called me Alice.
I liked it."
  • "They told me I was perfect for the role. Absolutely perfect.
Now Joey's going around saying things behind closed doors.
I can always tell.
Now he wants to meet again tomorrow, says he has an 'opportunity' for me.
I'll hear him out. But if that smooth talker thinks he can double cross an angel and get away with it, well, oh he's got another thing coming.
Alice, ooh she doesn't like liars."

See also


  1. "Please be Strong" audio log by "Milla Legna." Boris and the Dark Survival.
  2. Twitter-icon.png
    Hot Topic. July 26, 2017. "A charming woman.. quite... charming.. I recall only her face... that.. smile.". Twitter.
  3. "Behind Closed Doors" audio log by Susie Campbell. Bendy and the Ink Machine. Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders.
