
Papa Pluto's Pitchfork! Or, Beware of Imps Bearing Gifts

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.


Bendy receives a devil’s pitchfork from Papa Pluto, who’s the king of the underworld. First, he uses it for himself, making his pet fish Bubbles grow into a monster, replacing his house with a mansion and giving himself a new car. He then goes to Boris as he wants to do things for others too, granting him his wish of eating all the fine food he could ever eat. Bendy then travels to Alice, who warns him the pitchfork may be dangerous, but says it would be nice if she had more fans and fame for her music. Bendy grants the wish, returning home, only to find his mansion turned into a rampaging monster. His pitchfork is stolen by a tree he made sing, and Bubbles has destroyed the town. He realises the pitchfork grants curses rather than wishes. His friends are also affected, Boris being denied any breaks from eating and Alice forced to keep singing by her new fans. Bendy decides to destroy the pitchfork in hopes of fixing the mess. He runs to find the tree with Boris and Alice. Once found, Alice distracts the tree by singing, manipulating it to give her the pitchfork, and then snaps it, everything returning to normal. The comic ends with him receiving another gift from Papa Pluto after swearing to never mess with magical objects again.


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