Sammy's Hot Topic takeover

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This article refers to the event. For other uses, see Sammy (disambiguation).

Sammy's Hot Topic takeover was a Q&A event hosted by Hot Topic on Twitter, starring the Joey Drew Studios music composer Sammy Lawrence. The event started on July 26, 2017 and ended just over an hour later.

While originally it promoted the new Bendy merchandise, Sammy started personally answering fan's questions, and sometimes even cracked jokes.

Questions and answers

Sammy's responses gave out some tidbits of lore, such as that he once had a "flowing cascade of brown or blonde hair"[1], although does not recall which one it was.




"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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  1. The last I can recall... I had a flowing cascade of brown hair.. I miss it so... or was it blonde? No matter.. it was splendid.