
Thomas Connor's untitled memo

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"If he really wants to be so helpful, he could be tellin' me what I'm to be doin' with this warehouse I got full of that angel whatchamacallit." - Shawn Flynn

The name Thomas Connor's untitled memo is conjectural and unofficial. This name will be used until the official name is confirmed.

"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

Thomas Connor's untitled memo is a memo written as a message to an unknown individual about the Ink Machine's disappearance by Thomas Connor, questioning if said individual knows where it is.[1]


Alright, alright. Someone’s gotta fess up, or I’ve really come to my wit’s end. I’ve searched high and I’ve searched low. I’ve gone through the art department, the break room... even that mangy finance guy's office. No dice.
Who ever thought that thing can go missing? Not me, Can’t say that I’m too beat up about it. But so long as it’s out there, I gotta find it. What if it breaks? We can’t have it leaking some place it shouldn’t be.
Do you know where this thing is? If you don’t, I’ll have to keep looking. After all, the Ink Machine has to be here somewhere... right?
Yours, Thomas Connor

Behind the scenes

This was a memo found in page 152 of Game On! 2020. Talking about the unexpected disappearance of the Ink Machine and Thomas searching Joey Drew Studios to find it.



"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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  1. Thomas talks about searching areas that belongs to Joey Drew Studios, meaning that it's likey written before the company's shut down.


  1. Game On! 2020. Page 152. Written by Terry Schott and published by Scholastic on November 5, 2019.
