
To the Moon! Or, Not Everyone's a Fan of Good Comedy

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.


Charley monologues to himself inside a ship, and comes up with a plan to send Bendy to the moon. He creates a giant bacon soup can to lure him, advertised on a newspaper, and Bendy goes to see the can with Boris and Alice. Once they enter the can, signs having claimed there’s free soup, Charley traps them and the soup can flies to the moon.

Charley comes up with a plan to send Bendy to the moon, creating a giant can to lure them in which also acts as a rocket to fly them away. Bendy goes to see it with Boris and Alice, but get trapped inside and flung to the moon by Charley using a crane. Once on the moon, they discover an alien civilisation and Bendy offers flowers as a peace offering, but bees fly out and sting the alien. Once arrested, they’re seen in court, and Bendy accidentally shakes hands with an alien using a prank joy-buzzer. Once in jail, they realise the moon is made of cheese, and start to eat their way out of the prison cell they’re in. While this happens, Boris discovered the moon was made of cheese before them, and eats it into a crescent shape. Once Bendy and Alice have escaped, a chase scene ensues, during which they get Boris and end the chase by jumping off of the moon and using a shooting star to ride back home. They crash land onto Charley, ruining his ship and plans.


Behind the Scenes


