Blood Wheel

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Blood Wheel is a sound track used in Bendy: Secrets of the Machine.



"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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If you step into the road tonight, you'll have to watch your back...

The pebbles down, the puddles dry, she's coming for attack...

Blood Wheel, Blood Wheel, can't you hear her breaks squeal?

Blood Wheel, Blood Wheel, coming 'round the bend...

She's driving down the old 'mount road, the slope is slick and sleek...

If she sees you in her headlights, your soul shall be in keep...

Blood Wheel, Blood Wheel, can't you hear her breaks squeal?

Blood Wheel, blood Wheel, coming 'round the bend...

Coming 'round the bend... Coming 'round the bend...


The music serves as a reference to Gaskette and is also the song that plays from the gramophone.

Behind the scenes


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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