
Ink Demon/novel

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

For other uses, see Bendy (disambiguation).

"And we have to keep running because... The Ink Monster. Because it's still alive. And it's still hungry. Stop him, you have to..."
Buddy Lewek, Bendy: Dreams Come to Life

The Ink Demon is a demonic entity who was a failed attempt at creating the Joey Drew Studios's popular mascot Bendy in real life using the Ink Machine.


Early life

The Demon's release

In the summer of 1946,[1] the Ink Demon was set free from his imprisonment after the studio's volunteer Buddy Lewek heard him sadly moaning and crying out, presumably for help. When Buddy unlocked the door and entered the room, the Ink Demon had vanished, but when Buddy turned around, he appeared. Then he pushed him down before running out and escaping.

The Ink Demon is revealed to be the creature described by Sammy Lawrence during the "ritual" and appears on stage as part of the sacrifice. Instead of killing Jacob, the Ink Demon instead rips a dead Dave's arm out of its socket, grabbing Dot and squeezing her hard, but not enough to kill her. Shortly after, Buddy rescues Dot from the Ink Demon's clutches and Dot cuts off one of his legs. He is later dropped into an ink-filled trapdoor in the Court Theater, causing him to deform and become one with the ink. But he catches Buddy off-guard and pulls him in with him after falling in, managing to form himself back together. He manages to stay above the ink long enough to kill Buddy, using his sharp teeth to dissect and then drown him.

The Lost Ones (working title)

Later, after Bill Chambers gets hired, Thomas Connor brings him to a brick building and talks about the Ink Machine, and eventually mentions a monster.

After they fixed the Ink Machine, Bill brings Constance Gray to the building, with Brant Morris following them. Inside, they talk about the machine until Brant comes in, and they explain what's happening to him, until a loud bang is heard from an old icebox, and Brant convinces Bill to pick the lock on it. They open it, but it appears to be empty. Suddenly, the area seems to get darker, with black shadows dripping down the walls with more on the floor. Suddenly, the lights go out completely, Constance screams, and the Ink Demon drags Bill across the ground. Bill kicks the Ink Demon's head to free himself, and the three of them run. As they ran, Bill noticed that the Ink Demon was attacking the machine, causing the machine to come to life and spit out ink, causing the area to start flooding with it.

Fade to Black (working title)



Physical appearance


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Behind the scenes

The Ink Demon is the main antagonist in the novel Dreams Come to Life and The Lost Ones but is a secondary antagonist in Fade to Black.


  1. Bendy: Dreams Come to Life. Chapter 13. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on September 3, 2019.



"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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