
New York World-Telegram

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The New York World-Telegram, fully known as the New York World-Telegram Corporation,[1] is a newspaper publishing company. In the "Press Archive" of Joey Drew Studios, they discuss the bankruptcy and fall of the studio.


On September 25th, 1947, the newspaper was printed with a section in regards to the decline in Joey Drew Studio's productions.

On July 29th, 1948, the Telegram writes another article regarding Joey Drew Studios, announcing it's bankruptcy and permanent closing.


New York World-Telegram is a company that originates in and talks about events that occur in New York. Currently only two of their newspapers are shown, it's unknown if there is any other newspapers.

Behind the scenes

New York World-Telegram appears in the Press Archive, they published the first two newspapers.


It is most likely the in-universe version of the New York City newspaper, New York World-Telegram and The Sun. This is supported by the similarities between the names and newspaper layouts.


