User talk:GirlGirlyGril

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Hey, just wanted to ask if you could do me a favor. So I'm uploading the BiNR animations and stuff, but I have a lot to do with the italian wiki (which you should totally check out, I put a lot of care into it and the articles look very good, even better than the ones here I think, but this isn't relevant so back to the point) and can't really lable them properly category wise, like in the first I uploaded: File:Chester Arrival.gif I had to add all the "Animations of Alice Angel", "Animations of Bacon Soup", ecc. and I wanted to know if you could help me labeling them properly.

Also unreleated but, would you be interested in entering a discord server dedicated to this wiki? Because there is one and I could make you enter (if you arent alredy there, and in which case just tag me :) ), just gotta ask Lewies, but I'm certain he'll say yes so there isn't really a problem there, Ok so if you're interested you can friend request me on discord my nick is "rainbowentity" ;D

Ok bye,,, I'll go back to working my self off on this site.

- Rainbow3ntity
Sure, I could help. Thank you for asking lol. Although, I still have to finish the main canonical series' page and all sorts of other articles, But I will try my best.
About the discord server, I'm currently not comfortable with joining it, discord is scary for some reason, but maybe someday?
Anyways, I'll help but gotta sleep now (nevermind I don't need to sleep). Again, thank you for asking.
- GirlGirlyGirl

Ok thanks for your answears :) Ah also another thing, how do we do the appearances thing? do we put the dots to the game/book name or not? Cause some articles have it while some don't and it's a bit confusing. (ah also if you're interested I would like you to tell you to check out this page, that is, the History page of the italian wiki (; and if you're having problems undertanding it, I can send you a translated version of the thing.)

- Rainbow3ntity
From *my* understanding, if there is two or more things; we put dots, if there is one thing; we don't put dots.
For example:
No Dots:
Bendy and the Ink Machine
  • Chapter 1
  • Bendy and the Ink Machine
    • Chapter 1
  • Bendy and the Dark Revival
    • Chapter 1
And I will be sure to check out the history page, hopefully google will translate things correctly.
- GirlGirlyGirl

Hey so for Boris and the Dark Survival/Bendy: Lone Wolf appearances we should add the updates:

  • The Wolf Trials
  • The Unleashed
  • Symphony of Shadows

and maybe

  • Lone Wolf

(ah also have you red the about us page I mentioned? If yes what do you think about it? and if the translation sucked, I can send you a decent one :D)

- Rainbow3ntity
I don't really know, but since must Boris and the Dark Survival stuff is replaced by Lone Wolf (which I don't get because we don't know how much the update will change things) I guess we should just continue doing that? Maybe ask Lewis about it?
And yes I have read the page. It was very interesting, I didn't know the Bendy Italian Wiki lore was that deep lol.
- GirlGirlyGirl

Hello again, so I wanted to ask if you could like edit the file pages for the Achievement icons to be renovated to match the new one. Here's the template in this file here File:Achievement Icon-Norman's Fate just replace the achievemet name and the game name for the BatDR ones. You can find all the achievement icons I uploaded at the bottom of this page [1], and if you can't don't worry I'll do it my self LATEEEEEER on because I have to do a lot of stuff on the italian wiki. So there, thanks for the attention ;)

- Rainbow3ntity
Sure! I can do that, the employee handbook stuff is (for some reason) hard to write so a break would be nice. Also, have you learned how we're going to do the BatDS appearances? Let me know if you do.
- GirlGirlyGirl

Hey so for the BatDS Leweis said no, also could you complete the tweet section of the page: Sammy's Hot Topic takeover? I have completed it in the italian wiki and I don't want to EVER do that again. So like you should just copy and paste the thing from the italian version, replace the text using the citations and changing the hour to be 12:XX PM, July 26 2017 and for the other notes there, just use the page translator. Thanks, really I spent so much time on that thing. I can't look at it anymore. Here's the italian page it:Conquista di Hot Topic di Sammy. :3

- Rainbow3ntity
Well that's good to know. Anyways, I will try to complete the page but I'm currently busy with completing some of the novel articles right now, so can't right now.
- GirlGirlyGirl