
Diamond Lounge

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

"We entered the Oceanview Hotel and rushed through the lobby toward the theater doors of the Diamond Lounge."
Constance Gray.

The Diamond Lounge is a theater located in the Oceanview Hotel of Boardwalk. It is an entertainment place where people watch chorus girls perform.


Early life

The Diamond Lounge was established by an unknown founder(s) at the Oceanview Hotel as a theater on an unknown date. It was a place where chorus girls performed.

After Constance Gray and her younger sister, Lily, dropped from school, they would become an employee at the theater. Lily as a dancer and Constance as a backstage employee, since their parents needed income.

Tuesday night

After Constance's dive, she and Lily ran to the Oceanview hotel to get to the Diamond Lounge. The doorman, Jack, open the door for them as they entered and Constance thanked him. They then found the stage manager, Mac, as he was adjusting the curtain's leg. Constance explained to him that she could create the stage fog effects he was looking for, Mac found this to be wonderful and stated that he would pay her the privilege upon its creation. He then advised that Constance should probably get to the backstage as it was already chaotic there. Constance didn't understand as it was just a Tuesday night, but went in anyway. While there, she helped out the chorus girls with dresses. After the performance, the girls put on make-up and went to The Rose Club.

Girl-made fog

After Andrew went to visit his parents, Constance used her chemistry set to create the fog she talked about with Mac. After showing it to him, Mac stated that this was exactly what he wanted and declared he was going use it as Constance makes more. Chloe found Constance's excitement about fog to be strange and weird, stating that Constance was "in love and lost in the clouds." Since Constance was happy about the "girl-made fog," she allowed things she didn't enjoy to be done as her happiness suppressed the negative feelings. After the show, Bill found Constance and they went to upper platform, where rich people usually talked, and sat down. After a talk, they went to an abandoned building.

Looking for Constance

After learning more about the machine, Bill went to the Diamond Lounge of Oceanview Hotel to find Constance. Andrew was also waiting there for her. After a bit, Lily saw Andrew and asked him why he was there. Andrew explained that he was looking for Constance, Lily stated that she was sick much to Andrew's shock. Lily then saw Bill and asked if he was there for Constance as well, Bill stated he was then he and Andrew went together to Constance's house.


The Diamond Lounge was a place where chorus girls performed and danced, it served entertainment for the masses of Atlantic City.


There are currently 7 known employees at the theater.

  • Mac (Stage manager)
  • Chloe
  • Naomi
  • Nancy
  • Lily Gray (Dancer)
  • Constance Gray (Backstage employee; dresser and assistant)
  • Jack (Doorman)

Behind the scenes

The Diamond Lounge is a location that appears in Bendy: The Lost Ones, it appears couple times in the novel.

