
Constance Gray

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

"It made me question my old desire for suitors in the first place. Was romance something I was interested in or was pleasing my parents and getting married and helping support the family more the goal? Was anything in my life really about what I wanted?"
Constance Gray.

Constance Gray is a backstage employee at the Diamond Lounge. She is interested in science and is the older sister of Lily Gray and the younger sister of Molly Gray. She's also the creator of the antidote.


Early life

Constance was born after Molly to a small apartment. She grew up usually feeling frustrated since Molly's reputation and Lily's narcissism didn't allow her to express her emotions, because of this She suppressed her true thoughts and frustrations. After Lily got annoyed with Constance's "silly science experiments" (as she called them), Molly and her changed rooms. Because of the facade she put up, many people though she was sweet, just like her older sister Molly.[1]

Around the age of seven, Constance made a volcano experiment, this made her interested in science as she found mixing things to create things to be fascinating. She dropped from school at 16 and became a backstage worker for the chorus girls at the Diamond Lounge in Atlantic City because of her parents needing income. She usually felt angry that the boys would try to take advantage of Molly's sweetness but she couldn't bring herself to say anything about it.[1]

The dive

Molly got sick as a horse diving scene of a tourist film that was being made by Emmett Chambers was going to be filmed. Not having anyone else willing do it, Constance willingly became the temporary replacement despite not wanting to be. While on top of the diving platform, Brant Morris brought her the horse and they had a small talk. After she successfully dove and returned home, Molly thanked her and revealed that she had got her the science kit she had been wanting as a thank you gift. Afterwards, Constance and Lily went to the Diamond Lounge where she helped out the performers while feeling overwhelmed.[1]

That night, after unwillingly putting on makeup, she ended up going out to a bar called The Rose Club with the chorus girls and Chloe, coincidentally Bill Chambers was there as well as Brant, trying to follow Bill around. While there, Constance met a young man named Andrew, who took an interest in her and while they were doing a dance, the power cut out. Constance took Andrew outside and the two stared at the ocean for a bit.[2]

Date with Andrew

While her sisters were asking her about Andrew, Bill came and took her to his father's plaza to show her the footage that had been edited. Brant joined as well and he and Constance sat together. After a small chat with Brant and the screening, she went home for her date with Andrew. She dressed up and Andrew took her to an Italian restaurant for a dinner. During the dinner Andrew mostly talked about himself and didn't ask any questions about Constance. Constance felt displeased she couldn't do anything with her chemistry set and had no time for herself.[3]

The machine and its ink's terror

While Andrew was visiting his parents, with her chemistry set, she made a stage fog and after showing it to Mac, it got approved for use. Bill then visited the theater and he and Constance sat down to have a talk. They talked about science and Bill told her that he was volunteering for Gent much to her shock. He then took her to a abandoned meatpacking factory to show her the Ink Machine. Brant followed them and after he arrived, they unknowingly let the Ink Demon out by opening an ice box. While trying to escape, the demon turned on the machine and the area started to flood with ink. After getting stuck between a door, Brant got killed by the ink and exploded much to Constance's and Bill's horror.[4]

While at home, Constance used the ink stains from her stained dress to experiment on the ink with her chemistry set. She then went to Bill's house to talk to him, after getting kicked out by Emmett, they talked outside. Even though Bill stated that Gent knew everything secret about the machine and that they should move on, Constance decided to search for answers but lied to Bill by claiming that she was going to move on. While eating, she and Andrew ended their relationships despite Andrew's unwillingness. While at home experimenting with a beetle, a now Lost One Brant reached for her but quickly retreated after Constance unknowingly shouted at him. She then dropped some ink into the jar the beetle was in to test its effects.[5]

After the change in the behavior of the beetle after it came in contact with the ink, Constance concluded that the ink made organisms change behavior, making their most hidden or true emotion control them. In Constance's case, it was anger. Constance found an antidote to the ink, and then Bill and Andrew came to talk for very different reasons, she officially ended the relationship with Andrew after he got mad at her for being friends with Bill, thinking they were lovers and not respecting that she's not quiet and listening. After he left, Constance and Bill went to a room to talk about the machine, its ink, and its creators. They discussed the studio and Joey Drew, Bill having met him at a dinner party his father had hold. Brant then appeared again, still as a Lost One, and they gave him the antidote. He became human again and they all decided to destroy the Ink Machine and trap the Ink Demon.[6]

After a long journey through the tunnels, the trio arrived at the factory. Constance then pried open the machine, alerting the Ink Demon. While Bill took apart the machine, the demon arrived and killed him much to Constance's anger, he then left. Constance took the machine parts and Brant fought with the demon to trap him. while trying to escape through the tunnels, she is saved by an unknown Boris (though it's likely that its Buddy), who stops her from running too far and falling into the water and rocks of the ocean below her. He then runs off and Constance is left by herself. She then threw the machine parts into the ocean up from an opening before encountering Scott. Scott frantically begged for help while claiming there was no escape. Constance told him to come with her but he refused and went back into the darkness.[7]


After jumping though the opening, Constance screamed to let her anger out. She then started to walk back home to make more of the antidote to save Bill and Brant. During her walk, a car approached her and she got in. She realized that Scott was also inside and Joey assured her that "he was harmless". The car then drove off as Scott kept insisting that there was no escape. After this, Constance and Scott were presumably turned into ink creatures in a way to "silence" them, since they knew too much.[8][9]


Physical appearance

Bill comments that Constance looks like Katherine Hepburn, although, Constance doesn't think that's true.[10] She is also noted to have blue eyes, long brunette hair, and is often styled very softly, not liking to go bold unless she had to.


Constance is shown to be kind and compliant towards people. She usually goes against her will and does things for others even when she's scared, such as the horse diving she did for Molly. She is very interested in science and inventing thing. She's also shown to be quite smart as she was able to create an antidote to the ink, despite the Ink Machine beings created by scientific minds, like Thomas Connor. However, her compliant attitude is a facade she put up to hide her true emotions from other people. As in reality, Constance is a very frustrated and annoyed person who can get very rude, even towards people she cares about. This is shown after the ink comes in contact with and enhances her inner emotions. Although, she is still a caring person who is out to help people, even if it's very dangerous. She also might be aromatic as she states that she doesn't seem to be interested in romance at all.

Behind the scenes

Constance Gray is one of the protagonists in Bendy: The Lost Ones. She's first introduced to in Chapter 1 as seen from Bill's point of view, but in Chapter 2 it switches to her perspective.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 4: Constance. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  2. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 9: Constance. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  3. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 17: Constance. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  4. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 26: Constance. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  5. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 32: Constance. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  6. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 38: Brant. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  7. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 42: Constance. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  8. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 44: Constance. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  9. Bendy: The Lost Ones, The Machine. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  10. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 39: Constance. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
