
Emmett Chambers

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

"I’d never met Constance Gray, but Molly was famous here in Atlantic City and my father had been quite keen to get her. He’d kept the brave face when learning she was sick and her sister would be doing the dive instead."
Bill Chambers about his father, Emmett Chambers.

Emmett Chambers is a rich politician who is said to own half of Atlantic City. He is the father of Bill Chambers.


Early life

Emmett Chambers was a rich politician who owned half of Atlantic City. At some point his wife died, which caused some emotional damage to him. Although his life still continued relatively normal.

The filming

Emmett was making a tourist film. They took various shots in the beach with the most recent one being about a girl diving with a horse. Unfortunately the original actor, Molly, had became sick, however one of her sisters, Constance Gray, accepted the temporary job and Emmett allowed her to take it. During the filming, the diving platform had a technical difficulty, before Bill and Steve fixed the platform, Emmett ordered a random person (which happened to be Brant Morris) to take the horse to Constance. As the platform was being fixed, Emmett then told people to surround them to hide the problem. Bill, with the help of some other people, fixed the platform and Emmett told the crew to continue the film work. Everything else worked as planned and Constance successfully dived with the horse.

Later that day, Emmett and Bill went to bar called the "Rose Club" with various guests from New York. During a talk, the power cuts because of a fault in the fuse box. Bill quickly got up and fixed it and then went off to have a talk with Brant, Emmett later found him and after sitting down, asked where he had been. Bill explained he had fixed the light. Brant asked him and the men from New York various questions but quickly stopped and apologized after Emmett got annoyed.

The screening

Emmett screened the edited film for the investors from New York. He thanked everyone for coming and stated that Atlantic City deserved the best reputation. During the footage was being shown the projector had started to burn. Emmett arrived at the scene and yelled at the operator to fix it. Bill took matters into his own hands as the client went to find Scott. Just before Scott arrived Bill fixed the projector, Scott and Bill had a short talk but Emmett ordered Scott to leave, which he did. Emmett then went back to his seat and continued watching to the footage.

At some point Constance came to Emmett's house to visit Bill, Emmett welcomed her in they had a talk until Bill came down. Bill asked for a private talk with Constance, Emmett first allowed it but then kicked out Constance after she stated that he was being rude. He then went off before Bill left the house. After that Emmett and Bill went to a party that Joey Drew had came to, for a possible collaboration with Emmett. It is unknown what happened to Emmett after Bill's death, but considering his reaction to his wife's, it is likely that he was devastated.


Physical appearance

Emmett is stated to be wearing fancy clothing, he is also said to be an intimidating figure by Bill.


Emmett is a ruthless politician, who doesn't care about the person and only cares about money. He is usually willing to have people in dangerous acts and doesn't care for their well being unless it concerns his work, he is even willing to shame them as seen by Constance. He is also said to be the master of blaming others. However, he still has some humanity in him as seen by his devastation about his wife's death, and he is shown to have some care for his son. He is also a perfectionist in the sense of look, since he is scared of what others might think.

Behind the scenes

Emmett Chambers appears in Bendy: The Lost Ones as a side character, he is seen in the first chapter and appears several times after.

