
Allison Pendle/novel

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

"Joey, you and your studio brought us together. You should be with us on our wedding day. Hope you'll join us."
Allison's note to Joey on her upcoming marriage with Thomas.

Allison Pendle is a former voice actor at Joey Drew Studios, and was the new voice of Alice Angel replacing Susie Campbell. She's the wife of Thomas Connor.


Replacing Susie

At some point, since Joey thought it would be more cohesive and successful, Susie Campbell was replaced by Allison Pendle as Alice Angel's voice actor. A memo informing about this replacement was then sent to the employees, however it intentionally wasn't sent to Susie herself.

After lunch, Allison met with Sammy Lawrence to discuss the rerecording of Alice's dialogue. Right after, Joey took her on a tour around the studio to have her meet everyone else. She was later seen by Susie as she was working with Sammy in the recording booth.

Meeting Buddy

One day, Allison meets Buddy Lewek as he holds the elevator door open for her. She thanks him and asks his name, Buddy tells it and Allison does the same thing then jokes about her and Alice Angel's name similarities. The elevator reaches Buddy's floor just as he understands the joke, he and Allison then shake hands and Buddy runs out to the Art department.

At the party

Thomas Connor and Allison arrive at Joey's party right as he was making an announcement, after seeing them he angrily approaches then and tells Thomas that he shouldn't be here. Thomas demands to take back the Ink Machine but Joey claims that the machine belongs to him and reminds Thomas that he is fired. he then fires Allison as well for siding with Thomas, Allison just smiles and says that they'll discuss this later. She then tells Thomas that they should leave, which they do while Thomas claims that he owns the machine, Joey then leaves and goes back to the party room.

Buddy quickly grabs Thomas as he and Allison were leaving, Thomas reactions violently and tells him to get his hands off as Allison tries to calm him down. Buddy apologies and ask questions to Thomas about the machine, Thomas questions Buddy's knowledge but sighs when he learns that the reason was Sammy. He first falsely and then vaguely explains what the machine does only for Allison to clarify its purpose, Thomas gets annoyed as Allison claims that the machine's invention was astonishing but he quickly apologies and goes on to talk about that "it" wasn't his fault. Buddy asks what wasn't and Thomas explains that despite Joey's respectful treatment of him, he didn't actually own anything, Allison then adds on by saying Joey owns everything that anyone make at the studio and that it was a sacrifice they and everyone made despite not realizing it. They then enter the elevator and leave.

At Atlantic City

Allison feels disappointed that Thomas took back his old job. Allison later goes to a party in Atlantic City for a dinner. While talking about Gent, she meets Bill Chambers. Allison explains that his boyfriend Thomas was a manager at the company, Joey then joins the conversation while complimenting Thomas Connor, after shaking hands with Bill Joey introduces Allison Pendle to him and informs him that she voices Alice Angel. Bill asks what brought them to Atlantic City and Joey explains that Bertrum suggested it so that he can make new developments. While talking about Thomas Connor Bill mentions a machine, Allison asks if he knows Thomas while Joey asks if he has seen the machine, Bill responds with a no and asks what it does, Allison tells Bill that he can never get them to tell their secrets and claims that she had tried. After Joey's strange response, him and Allison sit down for the dinner.


On Saturday, February 23, 1952, at the time of 2:30 PM Allison marries Thomas Connor. Allison even invites Joey to their wedding but he declines.

At Nathan's mansion

Allison gets invited to a party Nathan Arch is hosting at his house. She arrives at the mansion, as she finishes singing to a song called "The Way You Look Tonight" Joey and Rose approaches her. Joey introduces Rose to Allison and the two shake hands, Joey states that Rose know who Allison is and Rose nods, he then leaves to find Nathan.

Realizing that Rose doesn't know who she is, Allison tells her that she is the voice of Alice Angel, and Rose apologizes. Rose says that she is wonderful and Allison states that she needs to be performing to the guests despite being one, she also says that she wishes Joey would allow Thomas to come to parties. Allison than explains that Nathan is Joey's old friend and the biggest sponsor of The Joey Drew Show, Rose states that's nice and asks her about the new technology. Rose tries to explain it but Allison doesn't know it, then another woman shows up and asks Allison how she got her dress, Allison gives Rose an apologetic look and explains that it was a custom piece gifted to her by Joey, and they go into the crowd.

Joining Archgate Films

At some point, Allison joins Archgate Films as a voice actor. She works on an unspecified movie and its sequels.


At an unknown date, Allison and Thomas are trapped in the Cycle and transformed into a caricature of cartoon characters (Allison as Allison Angel and Thomas as Tom), as to how it really happened remains unknown.


Physical appearance

Allison is described as a platinum-blonde haired woman who is seen wearing fancy clothing. She is stated to be quite beautiful[1] with some even compering her to an angel.


It's shown that Allison enjoys her career as an actress, and is quite driven when it comes to acting in general. Her hobbies in her spare time are cooking and inventing recipes. She is also shown to be caring towards others, as revealed when she tried to confront Thomas about the Ink Machine and confirmed that he was doing well, which may also suggest that she is, to a certain extent, concerned about the well-being of her husband. She is also nice to people around her and acts kind towards them. Although happy about people noticing her work because of her popularity, she doesn't seem to be happy about the consequences that makes her have to be "on" all the time, even when she's a guest.

Behind the scenes

Allison is first seen in Bendy: Dreams Come to Life, during the novel she only appears twice and is a minor character. In the upcoming novels, Bendy: The Lost Ones and Bendy: Fade to Black, she only briefly appears once and acts as the characters to brighten the mood.

See also


  1. Bendy: Dreams Come to Life. Chapter 6. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on September 3, 2019.
