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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

For other uses, see Gent (disambiguation).

"Gent. It's a contracting firm based here with offices all over the Eastern Seaboard."
Allison Pendle, about Gent.

Gent or GENT, fully known as Gent Corporation,[5] is a contracting firm based out of Atlantic City, and has offices across the Eastern Seaboard. The company is known for publishing installments, including tools and machinery, for a wide plethora of purposes, mostly utility and other menial tasks. Adjacent to that, the company's dark and disturbing side reveals itself to be abducting homeless people and people in poverty for malicious experiments to turn them into ink-made monsters and attempt to bridge the divide.


Early life

Gent was originally founded as a brick-laying company. The identity of the founder(s) is currently not clarified. The only pieces of direct involvement with Joey Drew Studios is a sponsorship of the animation studio's "Construction Corruption" cartoon. After which, the partnership with Joey Drew Studios would be established.

Partnership with the studio

After the partnership, Gent was commissioned by Joey Drew to build a machine that would bring cartoons to life. With the help of the location manager, Thomas Connor, they invented a machine they called the "Ink Machine" at the Gent storefront of Atlantic City. It was later sent to the Joey Drew Studios building in Broadway, Manhattan to get installed. Even though Joey stole the machine by taking its patent after the failure of the first experiment, Gent still owned the machine and the experiment by contract.[6] At an unknown time before 1946, Gent grew as a contacting firm, eventually opening offices all across the Eastern Seaboard.

In the fall of 1946, after the machine was deemed broken, Gent sent Thomas Connor and a crew of movers—which they believed would save time—to New York City to have them bring it to Atlantic City, since they had unique facilities and connections in said city. After the machine was shipped, Scott, a handyman at the company, found an abandoned meatpacking factory from the Prohibition days and Gent stored the machine there. Some time after, Bill Chambers was hired to the Atlantic City location as an intern employee and started fixing things there. But after realizing the Ink Machine's true purpose, Constance, Bill and Brant sabotaged Gent's plan of fixing the machine by throwing its parts into the ocean. However, its implied that Gent and Joey successfully captured and silenced the witnesses, including the now-insane handyman, Scott.[7][8]

During the time Joey Drew Studios was still open, employees of Gent started taking over the studio in numbers while worrying the studio employees like Lance Derby due to thinking it was unnatural for them to watch over a cartoon studio with the amount of people there. While the studio was still open, Gent built an underground tunnel connecting Joey Drew Studios to the Gent building so they could have better access to the location with Jack Fain later moving his office into this utility shaft. When Joey Drew Studios was on the verge of bankruptcy, Gent kept funding the studio in order to continue their experiments to the confusion of the studio's accountant Grant Cohen. Grant also stated that Alan Gray wasn't doing it for money, but rather was likely doing it in order to continue the experiments. At some point, Alan Gray wrote the book "A Theory About Spaces."

The re-acquirement of the Ink Machine and the experiments

After the studio closed down, the Gent Corporation took back the Ink Machine and the "experiments" from Joey in order to continue their experiments, alone. The company advertised jobs of becoming a test subject, and stated they would pay the volunteers $350 per week. They gathered multiple people who were either homeless or in poverty to their headquarters and placed them into dorms. They then gave them injections which where presumably filled with ink, this caused the test subjects to either die or become ink-infected, human-like creatures, Archie Carter managed to escape the facility even after the dorms where locked up and turned into a prison but what happened to the others is unclear. Gent's ultimate goal was to "bridge the divide," whether the research corporation achieved this goal is unknown.[9] But the company along with the factory the experiments took place in was shut down for unknown reasons in the October of 1952,[4] which allowed Joey to take back the machine and the experiments from the company.

Attempting to reacquire the machine

Even though the company was shut down, it was reestablished in an unknown date, just like Archie claimed it would. What happened during and after the closure, and how they managed to reopen is currently unknown. But Alan Gray still seems to be a part of the company.

Alan Gray of the corporation, following Arch Gate Pictures acquiring the rights to the Bendy cartoons and taking the Ink Machine from Joey Drew's apartment, made several attempts to retrieve the machine while visiting Arch Gate Pictures, but was turned away by the receptionist.


There are currently 9 known members of the corporation altogether.

Test subjects

  • Archie Carter (Unknown date-Unknown date)
  • Numerous other unnamed research subjects

Installments and property

The Gent Corporation is at least partially responsible for designing some of the contraptions in the studio, including;

  • Ink Machine - The titular large machine that not only produces ink but is powered by it, all the while being lowered into the depths.
  • Flashlight - A tool used while exploring in darker areas.
  • Pipe - Three pieces of Gent-branded piping fashioned together to form an improvised bludgeon.
  • Valve panel - A panel consisting of three tubes filled with ink. To make the lids unlockable for obtaining the valve cores, the ink's measurement from all three tubes must reach to black circles in the middle.
  • Elevator - The main transportation. Its function is opening and closing the gates, along with transporting to different levels - Level K, Level 11, Level P, Level 9, Level 14, and Level S.
  • Ink Maker - A machine requiring thick ink to create several items, such as a mug, gear, music radio, bone, Gent pipe, and the plunger.
  • Vaults - The vaults are used throughout for the archives and the cavern.
  • Barge - This machine was used as a boat by Henry to cross the Ink River. One of the machines is seen being destroyed by the Giant Bendy Hand during the ride in the river.
  • Hall Drainer - Appearing in the Gent Home Office, these machines drains the flooded assuage to the Film Vault.
  • Electronic locks - A panel mounted to a wall that allows the player to insert a charged Gent Pipe and throw a levered circuit breaker to deactivate Gent locks. Gent locks can be seen next to doors and near signal towers.
  • Barrels - Wooden barrels that were most likely designed to contain ink. It was first seen in the gameplay trailer at the end of a hallway. Some (but not all) bear the Gent logo.
  • Recharge Station - A lathe-like machine that allows the user to use a battery to recharge the Gent pipe's door unlocking/shock functions.
  • Upgrade Stations - A mechanism found on multiple walls, and allow the player to modify your Gent pipe's appearance and abilities. It was first found in the locker room, behind a Gent security door. It requires a schematic in order for the Gent Pipe to be upgraded.
  • Cards - An access card the employees use for one-time access to the Safe & Sound lockers.
  • Access cards - An access card the employees use to access the Gent Workshop.
  • Lockers - A locker used to store important items, such as: Gent parts and toolkits. They can only be accessed with the Gent card.

Bendy Comics

Gent branded products are referenced in the Bendy Comics and franchise, most notably in Construction Corruption.

  • Measuring Tape: Bendy is seen using Gent-branded measuring tape to take measurements in an attempt to build a cedar birdhouse.
  • Handsaw: Bendy is seen using a Gent-branded hand saw to cut pieces of Cedar wood in half before being interrupted by Charley.

Vehicles and name tags

Gent is shown to have their own trucks[1] and name tags.[10] Whether this goes for all of the locations and employees or is exclusive to some is unclear.

  • Trucks - The Gent Corporation is shown to have its own trucks, they are stated to be old trucks with "GENT" written on their side. There are only two known ones and each one is respectively owned by Thomas and Scott.
  • Name tags - The Gent employees seem to own a name tag. They contain the wearer's name alongside the company's, "GENT." Scott is the only one that's stated to be wearing it thus far.


The contracting firm is said to have locations all over the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. The only specified one being the Atlantic City location, there are also various different types of locations that are owned by Gent.

  • Gent storefront - The Gent location in Atlantic City and the office that the company was based out of. Now an empty storefront with dusty windows thanks to the employees assigning to other locations.
  • Meatpacking factory - An old factory at Atlantic City, used by the bootleggers during Prohibition for alcohol shipping. Upon its acquirement in the fall of 1946, the Gent company stored various items here. Including the Ink Machine and an old icebox that the Ink Demon was trapped inside of.

Behind the scenes

Gent is the antagonist corporation of the series and an overarching antagonist in Bendy: Fade to Black. It was first mentioned in Bendy: Dreams Come to Life and Thomas was stated to be a higher-up at the company. More was later revealed in Bendy: The Lost Ones where the company was shown to be more villainous and bigger. In Bendy: Fade to Black, Gent's experiments were expanded on and their selfish nature of using people was revealed.



At Gent Corporation, we strive to make the best products possible for our customers. With quality craftsmanship, friendly staff, and expert machinists, we're certain you'll be satisfied with our products and service. If you follow our service manual to the letter and suffer a malfunction with your Gent device, we will be happy to send one of our qualified staff members to assist you, for as long as it takes to make things right. The warranty is valid for ten years of service, no matter the issue, big or small!

See also


  1. The warehouse located in Broadway contains boxes and crates labeled "Gent," implying the location belongs to Gent.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 15: Bill. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  2. Bendy: Fade to Black, Prologue. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on October 3, 2023.
  3. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 31: Bill. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Bendy: Fade to Black, Chapter 21. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on October 3, 2023.
  5. "Memo to Staff Regarding the Ink Machine" memo by Joey Drew. Joey Drew Studios Employee Handbook. Part I: Surviving Your First Week. Chapter 1: Moving Pictures.
  6. "Gent Property" memo by Alan Gray. Joey Drew Studios Updated Employee Handbook. Part III: Bendy and the Dark Revival. Introduction.
  7. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 44: Constance. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  8. Bendy: The Lost Ones, The Machine. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
  9. Bendy: Fade to Black, Chapter 24. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on October 3, 2023.
  10. Bendy: The Lost Ones, Chapter 8: Brant. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on December 7, 2021.
