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"The future has arrived. I just didn't know it would get here so soon. Some of the stuff that's coming out of Gent doesn't follow any of the rules of physics that I know. Hard to believe they started as a brick laying company once upon a time."
Eugene Lloyd's memo.

Gent, fully known as Gent Corporation,[1] is a contracting firm based out of Atlantic City, and has offices across the Eastern Seaboard. The company is known for publishing installments, including tools and machinery, for a wide plethora of purposes, mostly utility and other menial tasks. Adjacent to that, the company's dark and disturbing side reveals itself to be abducting homeless people and even their employees for malicious experiments to turn them into ink-made monsters.


Early life

Gent was originally founded as a brick-laying company. While the identity of the founder(s) is not clarified, Alan Gray is the company's CEO. The only pieces of direct involvement with Joey Drew Studios is a sponsorship of the animation studio's "Construction Corruption" cartoon, after which, the partnership with Joey Drew Studios would be established.

Partnership with the studio

Information regarding Gent is later revealed through notes and voice messages left by employees of both Joey Drew Studios and Gent itself.

During the time Joey Drew Studios was still open, employees of Gent started taking over the studio in numbers while worrying the studio employees like Lance Derby due to thinking it was unnatural for them to watch over a cartoon studio with the amount of people there. While the studio was still open, Gent built an underground tunnel connecting Joey Drew Studios to the Gent building so they could have better access to the location with Jack Fain later moving his office into this utility shaft. When Joey Drew Studios was on the verge of bankruptcy, Gent kept funding the studio in order to continue their experiments to the confusion of the studio's accountant Grant Cohen. Grant also stated that Alan Gray wasn't doing it for money, but rather was likely doing it in order to continue the experiments. At some point in time, Alan Gray wrote the book "A Theory About Spaces" with a copy of this book being later found in Wilson's library.

Based on Archie Carter's voice message, Gent had used human test subjects who were down on their luck and in poverty in their experiments which resulted in the deaths of multiple people. Among the victims were also Gent staff such as handyman Steve McGregor. After the victims were killed, the bodies would be sent down a chute to an area known as "The Pit" where their bodies would be mixed together with ink to create monsters. The old Gent building where these experiments would take place stayed active for at least four years after Joey Drew Studios went bankrupt in 1948 before it was condemned on October 31st, 1952.

Wilson Arch also referenced them in one of his audio logs and meeting Alan Gray, the CEO of the corporation. Following Arch Gate Pictures acquiring the rights to the Bendy cartoons and taking the Ink Machine from Joey Drew's apartment, Alan Gray made several attempts to retrieve the machine while visiting Arch Gate Pictures. The Ink Machine, several of its pedestals, and a copy of The Illusion of Living was seen loaded into the back of a Gent corp truck, presumably stolen by Gent in order to continue their experiments.


  • Alan Gray (chief executive officer)
  • Thomas Connor (Manager, Ink Machine handler)
  • Scott
  • Bill Chambers (Intern employee)
  • Eugene Lloyd
  • Steve McGregor
  • Evan (formerly)
  • Archie Carter


The Gent Corporation is at least partially responsible for designing some of the contraptions in the studio, including;

  • Ink Machine - The titular large machine that not only produces ink but is powered by it, all the while being lowered into the depths.
  • Flashlight - A tool used while exploring in darker areas.
  • Pipe - Three pieces of Gent-branded piping fashioned together to form an improvised bludgeon.
  • Valve panel - A panel consisting of three tubes filled with ink. To make the lids unlockable for obtaining the valve cores, the ink's measurement from all three tubes must reach to black circles in the middle.
  • Elevator - The main transportation. Its function is opening and closing the gates, along with transporting to different levels - Level K, Level 11, Level P, Level 9, Level 14, and Level S.
  • Ink Maker - A machine requiring thick ink to create several items, such as a mug, gear, music radio, bone, Gent pipe, and the plunger.
  • Vaults - The vaults are used throughout for the archives and the cavern.
  • Barge - This machine was used as a boat by Henry to cross the Ink River. One of the machines is seen being destroyed by the Giant Bendy Hand during the ride in the river.
  • Hall Drainer - Appearing in the Gent Home Office, these machines drains the flooded assuage to the Film Vault.
  • Electronic locks - A panel mounted to a wall that allows the player to insert a charged Gent Pipe and throw a levered circuit breaker to deactivate Gent locks. Gent locks can be seen next to doors and near signal towers.
  • Signal towers - Large metallic towers are seen throughout the studio, keeping the citizens of The Cycle at bay. They will weaken the Ink Demon into his smaller form, and they nullify Audrey's powers, unless turned off by a Gent lock. Wilson confirmed they were made by Gent rather than him, as Gent "had a demon problem of their own, long ago."
  • Barrels - Wooden barrels that were most likely designed to contain ink. It was first seen in the gameplay trailer at the end of a hallway. Some (but not all) bear the Gent logo.
  • Recharge Station - A lathe-like machine that allows the user to use a battery to recharge the Gent pipe's door unlocking/shock functions.
  • Upgrade Stations - A mechanism found on multiple walls, and allow the player to modify your Gent pipe's appearance and abilities. It was first found in the locker room, behind a Gent security door. It requires a schematic in order for the Gent Pipe to be upgraded.

Bendy Comics

Gent branded products are referenced in the Bendy Comics and franchise, most notably in Construction Corruption.

  1. Measuring Tape: Bendy is seen using Gent-branded measuring tape to take measurements in an attempt to build a cedar birdhouse.
  2. Handsaw: Bendy is seen using a Gent-branded hand saw to cut pieces of Cedar wood in half before being interrupted by Charley.

Behind the scenes

Gent is the antagonistic corporation first mentioned in Bendy and the Ink Machine, although some of its licensed installments were first seen in the initial DLC release of Chapter 3: Rise and Fall prior to the game's last remastered update for the fourth chapter's DLC release where the company's name is chronologically first mentioned in Thomas Connor's ink input schedule from Chapter 1: Moving Pictures.

In Bendy and the Dark Revival, when it was first released on Steam, players could find a set of coordinates hidden within a vent in Animation Alley. These coordinates lead to the real-life location of the Dennings Point Brickworks in New York, a turn of the century and now-abandoned factory similar to what the Gent corporation started as. Unfortunately these coordinates were later removed in a patch due to concerns over fans trespassing into dangerous areas.[2]


Game appearances

Novel appearances

  • Bendy: Fade to Black

In other languages



  1. "Have you heard? Bendy and the Ink Machine is on Steam in a handy little bundle for you right here! Brought to you by the Gent Corporation, covering all your ink-related needs! #BATIM" - Bendy. June 17, 2018. Twitter.
