
Sammy Lawrence (ink realm)/novel

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

This article is about Sammy Lawrence's ink reincarnation. For other uses, see Sammy (disambiguation).

"That day the ink found me. It wanted me. He wanted me. At first I was scared. At first I could feel it inside, the drops I’d swallowed by accident. By luck. I could feel them moving around inside me. I shouldn’t have been scared. I was foolish. Then the cravings started. I needed more ink. There was no choice. I had to. And the more I consumed the more I understood. The more I felt him. Heard him. I need to please him."
Sammy Lawrence, explaining how he became an ink creature

The ink form of Samuel "Sammy" Lawrence, and a self-claimed prophet to the Ink Demon.



After his disappearance in 1946, Sammy transforms into an ink creature. This causes him to start worshiping the Ink Demon, and kidnapping employees to sacrifice them to him and "please" him. Among these sacrifice victims were; a self-conscious artist, Dave, and the studio's projectionist, Norman Polk, who were both engulfed and choked to death by the ink.

Pleasing the Ink Demon

Following Buddy Lewek's conversation with Thomas and Allison, he leaves Joey Drew's party to look for Dot and Jacob. He arrives at Duke's Bar only to be told that they had left about an hour prior to investigate the studio. Buddy panics and runs into the studio. He arrives on the Music level and begins looking for them but instead finds "He Will Set Us Free" written in the ink splatters, which reminds him of the disturbing sketches and notes written in Sammy's notebook. He concludes that Sammy wasn't missing but instead hiding, and he turns around only to be knocked out.[1]

Buddy wakes up and found himself on the stage of the music room restrained in a chair next to Richie, who tells him that Sammy took Jacob while Dot got away. They hear a door open and a completely transformed Sammy Lawrence enters the room and approaches his music stand. Buddy asks what happened to him, but Sammy laughs and says Buddy already knows as he was there. Still, Sammy goes on to explain that on the day they first met he had accidentally swallowed a few drops of ink, and he became addicted to consuming ink, resulting in him going insane and eventually transforming. Sammy begins pacing the room and laughs at the two, asking why one would please a man when they could please a god. Buddy demands to know where Jacob is, and Sammy responds that he took him to where everything began, but does not elaborate further. He stops walking, but before he can do anything else he is knocked out by Dot, who had managed to get into the projector booth and push a large projector on Sammy.[2]

Sacrifice attempt for the Ink Demon

From Henry's events, Henry sees Sammy walking by in front of the end of the inky corridor, carrying a Bendy cutout while quietly speaking the sheep poetry to himself. Once approached, however, he disappears into the wall.

Later on, Sammy will quietly stalk after Henry. After activating the first flow pump in his sanctuary, Sammy is seen above in the balcony, with his gaze following Henry as he is attacked by a wave of Searchers. While in the flooded sewers, it is possible to see Sammy's shadow through a grating in the wall. Soon after Henry collects the second valve, however, Sammy disappears.

Later at the end of the hallway after Henry activates the ink pump in Sammy's office, Sammy knocks Henry unconscious and drags him away. Sammy brings Henry to his sacrifice room and makes a conversation about the Ink Demon and sacrifice plans. Sammy then leaves the room to summon the Ink Demon. However, upon his appearance, the demon turns on Sammy and attacks him, seemingly killing him.

Unexpected return

After respawning, Sammy now resides in Lost Harbor, and upon Henry's entrance, the now-insane Sammy appears, busting down a boarded doorway. Completely enraged and attacking Henry with his axe, who then defends himself from Sammy. The fight goes on until Henry knocks off Sammy's mask and upon getting close to him, he grabs Henry and tosses him to the ground. However, Tom and Allison rescues Henry, killing Sammy and causing his body to fade away.


Physical appearance

Sammy is stated to be wearing trousers and suspenders like his human version. However, he isn't wearing a shirt and his body is made of shiny ink that can either be went or dry. He is also wearing a cardboard cutout Bendy mask that covers his whole face.[2]


Unlike his original human personality, Sammy has become mentally unstable, somewhat psychotic and unhinged, to the point of worshiping the Ink Demon as a "god" and offering him sacrifices to appease him. It's implied that his unhinged state was caused by the ink's influence. He is also shown to be somewhat sadistic since he laughs at Buddy and Richie right before attempting to sacrifice them.



  • "He Will Return" - Found in Part III: Chapter 5 of Joey Drew Studios Updated Employee Handbook.

Behind the scenes

The ink version of Sammy appears in the Bendy: Dreams Come to Life novel as a minor antagonist, specifically in Chapter 21.

See also


  1. Bendy: Dreams Come to Life. Chapter 20. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on September 3, 2019.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Bendy: Dreams Come to Life. Chapter 21. Written by Adrienne Kress and published by Scholastic on September 3, 2019.
