Uploads by Bendohww

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
19:33, 5 June 2024 MillaDungeon.jpg (file) 218 KB "Please come find me." 1
19:33, 4 June 2024 AliceRoom.jpg (file) 108 KB More accurate 2
05:24, 3 June 2024 Levels.jpg (file) 200 KB Made the image a little better, having it take place in a room instead of a random alcove 2
05:35, 1 June 2024 BATIMtitle.jpg (file) 695 KB There's something we want to show you. 1
05:33, 1 June 2024 LittleDevilDarling.jpg (file) 169 KB Let's hope he stays back, despite you not being a prophet. 1
05:30, 1 June 2024 HellfireFollies.jpg (file) 215 KB Welcome to the studio! 1
05:28, 1 June 2024 ImAliceAngel.jpg (file) 72 KB She's got a bright little halo, and she's filled with love... She's Alice Angel! 1
22:20, 30 May 2024 HTbatdr.jpg (file) 355 KB Audrey looks like she could use some help. <!-- I CANT STOP MAKING THESE RENDERS-THAT-ARE-JUST-ROTATED-SCREENSHOTS JHGDSJFRGYR --> 1
22:19, 30 May 2024 HTentranceBATDR.jpg (file) 241 KB Not so Heavenly Toys. 1
21:38, 30 May 2024 ToyWorkshop.jpg (file) 641 KB Why is there always something blocking the door? 1
21:36, 30 May 2024 HTentrance.jpg (file) 183 KB Boris had an idea. 1
21:36, 30 May 2024 HeavenlyToysRoom.jpg (file) 347 KB You don't remember any of this. 1
07:20, 29 May 2024 S3vault.jpg (file) 234 KB Someone's in here. Let's hope they come out and show themself. 1
08:59, 28 May 2024 NormanPolk.jpg (file) 16 KB The official image of Norman Polk, seen behind a projector. 1
07:29, 28 May 2024 CorridorMazeRotated.jpg (file) 332 KB Now it should look better 2
02:47, 26 May 2024 HenryBTC.PNG (file) 1.09 MB Henry in ''Bendy: The Cage''. 1
02:46, 26 May 2024 BTCicon.png (file) 2 KB ''Bendy: The Cage''<nowiki/>'s icon. 1
02:44, 26 May 2024 TheCageJDS.png (file) 81 KB The logo for ''Joey Drew Studios Inc'' in ''Bendy: The Cage''. 1
02:41, 26 May 2024 CageEye.png (file) 205 KB A teaser shown off by theMeatly for ''Bendy: The Cage''. 1
02:39, 26 May 2024 TheComposer.jpg (file) 363 KB The teaser for ''Bendy: The Cage'', but with hidden text. 1
02:36, 26 May 2024 BTCfirstteaser.jpg (file) 77 KB The first teaser for ''Bendy: The Cage'', later used as one of the screenshots. 1
02:33, 26 May 2024 CageTitle.png (file) 329 KB Bendy: The Cage's title seen in the teaser video. 1
04:34, 25 May 2024 SacrificeRoom.jpg (file) 534 KB Made the image cooler + anti-aliasing 2
20:56, 24 May 2024 RecordingStudio.jpg (file) 320 KB Something strange used to happen here every day. 1
05:55, 24 May 2024 ProperImageOfTheVoid.jpg (file) 57 KB It's a little dark. 1
05:54, 24 May 2024 TheVoid.jpg (file) 113 KB Don't wander out there. 1
05:39, 24 May 2024 ArtRoom.jpg (file) 778 KB   2
05:47, 22 May 2024 TheBasement.jpg (file) 575 KB An axe could come in handy. 1
05:35, 22 May 2024 Theater.jpg (file) 619 KB Gotta get the ink flowing somehow. Should be a switch around here somewhere. 1
09:08, 21 May 2024 DissectionRoom.jpg (file) 694 KB Better image 2
09:02, 21 May 2024 OfficeHallway.jpg (file) 789 KB Dreams do come true... and so do nightmares. 1
08:55, 21 May 2024 BreakRoom.jpg (file) 717 KB Helps appease the gods. Keepin' things going. 1
06:48, 21 May 2024 InkMachineLoadingDockActivated.jpg (file) 752 KB   1
06:42, 21 May 2024 RitualRoomDark.jpg (file) 360 KB Say hello to Sammy. 1
08:46, 18 May 2024 Safehouse.jpg (file) 452 KB Wouldn't be getting out of here that easy, since the door's lever's missing. Boris probably has it. 1
06:02, 18 May 2024 LoneWolfTeaser.jpg (file) 177 KB   1
04:39, 17 May 2024 LostOnePlayerInkChooser.jpg (file) 109 KB The notice that appears when unlocking the Lost One player. 1
07:30, 14 May 2024 Menu ch3.png (file) 1.98 MB   1
21:55, 13 May 2024 NormanComic.webp (file) 10 KB   1
08:11, 13 May 2024 LostSkeleton.jpg (file) 17 KB   1
06:39, 13 May 2024 Shaft.jpg (file) 340 KB No escape. 1
06:38, 13 May 2024 Basement.jpg (file) 394 KB He always falls. 1
06:36, 13 May 2024 RitualRoom.jpg (file) 421 KB Say hello to Sammy. 1
06:28, 13 May 2024 TortureRoom.jpg (file) 394 KB What was Joey doing? 1
06:24, 13 May 2024 InkMachineLoadingDock.jpg (file) 470 KB Those lifts might need some dry cells. 1
06:20, 13 May 2024 LunchRoom.jpg (file) 513 KB Yep, a lunch room without any food. Unless you want to eat the dartboard. 1
06:18, 13 May 2024 AnimationDepartment.jpg (file) 445 KB Looks like they knocked out a wall or two. 1
06:10, 13 May 2024 HenrysDesk.jpg (file) 274 KB I bet someone spent a lot of time in this chair. 1
06:09, 13 May 2024 TheBeginning.jpg (file) 329 KB Where it all started. 1
06:08, 13 May 2024 Foyer.jpg (file) 451 KB   1
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