Henry Stein's audio diary

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Henry Stein's Audio Diary refers to a series of Audio Logs leading up to Chapter 5's launch.

Henry's Audio Diary 1

The first audio log was uploaded on October 3, 2018.

If anyone finds this, my name is Henry. And I've been trapped far below Joey Drew Studios, a man I used to work for.
There are crazy things after me down here. Monsters. Demons. Angels. And right now two of them are holding me a prisoner.
I don't know how to get out of here, but there's more. There's a hidden secret hiding in the shadows.
I just felt like I'm being watched. There's something more in here. If anyone finds this, you must not- *sound of blast door opening interrupts* Hold on. *blast door opening continues* They're coming back.

Henry's Audio Diary 2

The second audio log was uploaded on October 10, 2018.

It's me, it's Henry. It's been a while since I last recorded. Mostly I've been spending my days doodling, passing the times the best I can.
I heard my captors arguing today. It seems that they still don't know what to make me. I guess that makes sense. Because I do not know what to make of them either. Times like this I wish Boris was still with me...
He doesn't say much Boris but, he was a good friend to have. I miss him. I just couldn't save him... But I promise... I will get out of the studio... if it's the last thing I do...

Henry's Audio Diary 3

The third and last audio log was uploaded on October 17, 2018.

This may be my last chance to record a message, I'm pretty sure he saw me talking into this thing, He probably won't let me keep it.
Not much left to say except... Linda, I miss you and I love you so much. Coming back to this old place well... it kind of reminds me of how much I've gained.
I feel like there are so many questions that need answering, so many things that don't make any sense. If anyone hears this, if you make it out, don't ever return, because the Ink Demon will find you.
