My Favorite Song (audio log)

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"The Old Song",[1] is the title of Sammy Lawrence's second audio log.


This audio log is unique, as it has four lines that vary depending on which are randomly chosen in the game.

Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his and I have mine. To enter, you need only know my favorite song:

[Any of these audios may play for the four lines available-]

  • The banjo playfully plucks.
    The bass fiddle sings with deep articulation.
    The drum thunders in triumph.
    The piano delicately calls.
    The violin shudders with a piercing voice.

[If an instrument is repeated, one of these audios will play rather than those previously mentioned-]

  • The banjo once agains strums its melody.
    The bass fiddle returns and sings aloud.
    The drum echoes out once more.
    The piano returns in graceful harmony.
    The violin, again, screams.
Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you.

All audio variants

"The banjo playfully plucks." - Banjo 1

"The banjo once agains strums its melody." - Banjo 2

"The bass fiddle sings with deep articulation." - Bass 1

"The bass fiddle returns and sings aloud." - Bass 2

"The drum thunders in triumph." - Drums 1

"The drum echoes out once more." - Drums 2

"The piano delicately calls." - Piano 1

"The piano returns in graceful harmony." - Piano 2

"The violin shudders with a piercing voice." - Violin 1

"The violin, again, screams." - Violin 2


In Bendy and the Ink Machine: Chapter 2 - The Old Song, this audiolog is found within Wally Franks' Closet, located outside of Sammy Lawrence's Office.

Related achievements

Bendy and the Ink Machine

  • The Past Speaks - Listen to all audio logs in Chapter 1.
  • The Voice Collector - Listen to all audio logs in all chapters.

Bendy and the Dark Revival

  • The Well of Voices - Pick up all audio logs.

Behind the scenes




  1. Evidence of name
