
Sammy Lawrence (ink realm)/dialogue

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This article contains a list of all of Sammy Lawrence's dialogue.

Bendy and the Ink Machine


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Bendy: Lone Wolf


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Bendy and the Dark Revival


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Sammy's Hot Topic Takeover

  • "Hello, my little sheep. The #BendyHTtakeover has begun! Let's chat, shall we? Kind regards, Sammy Lawrence"
  • "The last I can recall... I had a flowing cascade of brown hair.. I miss it so... or was it blonde? No matter.. it was splendid."
  • "Bendy, he knows all and sees all. He is the hope we've been waiting for!"
  • "As has mine, my sheep. As has mine."
  • "There is only our lord Bendy."
  • "I can't recall any injustice on the part of the Ink Demon. He is.. most fair."
  • "Why would you EVER want to stop drawing such an amazing image? I often doodle the Ink Demon myself..."
  • "If only HE would notice ME!"
  • "So glad you asked! From a young age, I've been musical. Tunes would pop into my head.. it was the only logical step. ;)"
  • "The pump! It never ends!! The noise! How can anyone THINK with..... wait.. what was I talking about?"
  • ""Willow Weep For Me".. it's a little modern, but it's quite a charming number."
  • "As many times as I can. I must have Bendy notice me!"
  • "A charming woman.. quite... charming.. I recall only her face... that.. smile."
  • "Our lord Bendy is coming!! Let us rejoice!!"
  • "Can I get an amen?"
  • "You never know.. always looking for new talent. Have your people get a hold of my people.. and we'll see if you're a songbird!.."
  • "I aim to resemble the most perfect form I know!.."
  • "Amen to you!"
  • "Mad am I?! MWAHAHAHA!... what was the question?"
  • "I remember a whistling sound.. a vague melody.. with a sinister purpose. Yessss I remember that."
  • "I would say you must know him.. he will set you free. "
  • "Oh! So many dozens of songs! So many! When you've been in this business as long as I have.. you're quite busy."
  • "The organ... I don't know what you mean. Although Norman, our projectionist.. he was always very bright.."
  • "I think something went amiss with that post... although the bed DOES look very comfy.."
  • "We can never escape him.. we must serve him. He will set us free!"
  • "With great difficulty."
  • "He's coming.. I can hear him.. .crawling... he's getting closer!"
  • "At one time.. Bacon Soup... kind of lost it's luster after a bit.. But you'd have to be crazy to not love chocolate cake!"
  • "I'm not sure what you mean... perhaps you should let this question go..."
  • "Amen!!!"
  • "That Wally! That man can't ever keep his things in order! If I didn't know better I'd say his mind was wayyyy out of here!"
  • "I happen to have some handy.. very limited on film down here..."
  • "As do I! He will set us free if we believe! Believe with me!! "
  • "I see you.. staring at me. You will make a true believer!"
  • "Not yet! It sounds like it could be a real toe tapper to me. I'll have to visit the vinyl shop someday soon..."
  • "if you have the proper training, mayonnaise IS an instrument."
  • "Ohhh such a voice! So.. heavenly! So beautiful!"
  • "He's almost upon us... I can feel it! He is approaching!"
  • "I am most honored. Such wonderful sheep."
  • "I've never been to Coney Island... wish I could go and see it."
  • "I still write the old songs.. I still sing them... what do YOU sing?"
  • "Always was fond of the Banjo. It just plucks the right chord with me."
  • "And we cannot stop it. It's time to believe."
  • "My lord! So beautiful! You are a talented sheep!"
  • "It can be.. it's best when aged for a while I hear."
  • "I still write the old songs... I do! Perhaps you shall hear them someday."
  • "Amen!!"
  • "Yes! We must all join in! Can I get an amen?"
  • "Quite one of the favorites... So glad Joey let me name it after myself."
  • "Who is the most loyal sheep here? Is it you?!"
  • "We must play together sometime. Keep on playing!"
  • "And then you are most loyal indeed!"
  • "Someone.. special? ... I.. well.. there was.. this one. I almost remember."
  • "Knowing Joey.. he's probably raising his salary somewhere."
  • "How do you see with your mask off?"
  • "He's upon me! I HEAR HIM!! I.. don't know how long I can stay! He is coming!"
  • "I see you. And.. he.. does too."
  • "Sadly, my dear sheep. The #BendyHTtakeover is done. The Ink Demon has arrived! See you again at Hot Topic."