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"Alice, ooh she doesn't like liars." - Susie Campbell

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

The Projectionist is a projector-headed creature who's heavily implied to be the monstrous reincarnation of Norman Polk.



Norman Polk was the studio’s projectionist, manning the projectors used to play cartoon reels. He was later kidnapped by Sammy. Buddy and Dot found figures of ink hanging from the theatre catwalk which they travelled across. They uncovered one of them and find that Norman was in the ink, dead. He was then presumably reborn as the Projectionist, considering his connection to the projector.

Inside the Cycle

He entered the Cycle and stated wandering around, he later found Ollie and chased him but he failed in catching him. Later on while in the Music department, Rose saw his head and went up to see him. After finding him Rose asked him if he saw Ollie, he stared at her a bit and then started chasing her. After Rose was cornered, Ollie came in and distracted the Projectionist. He ran after Ollie but failed to catch him again after he entered a booth and blocked the door. He then got frustrated and left. He later found the Ink Demon and started to attack him, which allowed the test families to escape him.

Lurking around the darkness

The Projectionist roamed aimlessly around the Cycle, in his liar in Level 14, and in the Maintenance department of Storage 9.

At some point, Alice Angel sent Henry to Level 14 to collect the hearts in the area. Despite the Projectionist wandering the area, Henry successfully collected the hearts and gave them to Alice.

Battling the Demon

After Henry entered Storage 9 and pulled the lever to the Lif Control, the Projectionist noticed and chased after him until Henry pulled the other lever located upstairs, which then the Projectionist vanished. He then pursed Henry again as he attempted to leave before finding out that the door was locked. Henry then hid inside the Little Miracle Station and watched as the Ink Demon destroyed the Projectionist, killing him by seemingly decapitating him.


Physical Appearance

The Projectionist is described as a black humanoid creature with a projector for a head, cables attached to it which flow behind his back. There is also a round speaker embedded in his chest, which is where he "speaks" from.


The Projectionist is hostile and mindlessly attacks people and creatures whenever he sees them. He doesn't seem to have much awareness since he ruthlessly attacks the Ink Demon, despite him being really powerful. He also gets frustrated easily as seen by him getting annoyed and giving up after Ollie locks him out.

It is possible that there is some humanity left inside of him. Implied by the fact that he doesn't attack Rose for quite a bit before lunging at her, but it's also possible that he was just observing.

Behind the scenes

The Projectionist appears in the Bendy: Fade to Black novel as a minor antagonist near the end of the novel.

See also

  • Norman Polk, his original human counterpart

