
Wilson Arch/novel

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

"He's generous, I suppose. Foolhardy, maybe? Too trusting, too invested. Most businessmen are ruthless, but not my father. He's obsessive, but far too lenient, far too hopeful. I admire him in a way."
Wilson Arch, about his father, Nathan Arch.

Wilson Arch is the son of both Tessa and Nathan Arch, the man who founded Arch Gate Pictures, allegedly working there as a janitor.


Early life

Born to a wealthy family, Wilson was raised in the Arch residence, Nathan's mansion. Nathan was always too trusting and obsessive, even when it comes to business stuff, which Wilson finds to be strange and frustrating. However, he still admires him in a way.

Meeting Rose

After Rose enters the library Wilson sees her and realizes that he isn't alone, while reading The Illusion of Living. Rose asks if he wants to be alone which to Wilson shooks his head with a no before questioning why people always want to leave him alone. Wilson then gets up and asks Rose to sit down, which she does. After Rose starts feeling uncomfortable about the silence she tells Wilson her name, Wilson does the same thing, after the name reveal Rose realizes that Wilson is related to Nathan Arch and asks him about it. Wilson questions if it's good to be Nathan's son and goes on to talk about him being too generous and trusting after Rose brings up the subject, he also states that despite most businessmen being ruthless his father is too hopeful, and says that he admires him in a way.

Wilson then picks up the 3D glasses on the table and leaves the book, he then walks behind Rose as she asks him if he likes Bendy, which he responds with a negative answers. Rose then attempts to turn to Wilson but he stops her and tells her to keep watching the television Infront of her, he then places the 3D glasses on her face as Rose freezes in place, he once again tells her to keep watching and claims that "she will see", which Rose then responds by saying she "have seen it". Evan then enters the room and takes the glasses off of Rose, Wilson asks what on earth he's doing which to Evan responds with the same question. Evan then tells Rose that they need to leave, Rose first hesitates as the show had just started but quickly gets up and leaves after Wilson claims that she wants to stay, Evan then follows behind leaving Wilson alone in the room once again.

Employee at Arch Gate

Wilson's exact position at the studio is unknown, as his coworkers shunned him due to his scar and facial deformities. It reached a point where he was practically unnoticed, and Wilson took advantage of this, realizing he could take any position he wanted. Wilson would eventually take the role of a janitor, which would lead to him discovering the Ink Machine after a delivery mishap when Joey Drew's belongings were being delivered for the exhibit at Arch Gate. Wilson would discover the Cycle and the potential of the machine, seeing that this was his chance to finally live up to the legacy of his father. However, the world within the machine was untamed and dangerous, and he needed to cleanse the Cycle of the chaos. More particularly, he needed to destroy the Ink Demon so that he could truly take control.

Changing the Cycle

Over the course of several months, Wilson would make several changes to the Cycle, freezing it in place and having inhabitants to assist him in his work. Most notably, he used the Keepers, who he would task with killing the Ink Demon. However, once it was found that the Ink Demon could not be killed, the Keepers would instead compress and trap him inside the form of Bendy, keeping him controlled with the use of the Security Towers. This allowed Wilson to better control the inhabitants of the Cycle, as he would now claim that he had killed the Ink Demon.

Despite this, the Ink Demon eventually figured out how to, if temporarily, free himself. Wilson came up with a new plan to dethrone the demon, and created Shipahoy Dudley with the plan of using him to overthrow the demon. He had an idea of using a soul of a specific someone.

Dragging Audrey to the Cycle

Audrey is working a late shift, leaving just her and Wilson in the building on a stormy night. Audrey ventures out of her office to get coffee, running into Wilson as she is entering the elevator. After the elevator gets stuck due to a power shortage, Wilson asks Audrey to assist him in restoring power. They find themselves in the Joey Drew exhibit, where the Ink Machine is kept. Wilson misleads Audrey and has her collect the objects needed to activate the Ink Machine and turn it on. Wilson reveals his true colors, as the room fills with ink. He then tells Audrey that they're going home and drowns her, killing her and taking her souls into the Cycle.

Wilson later found Audrey, and being the only person Audrey could trust, the two take a train to his retreat. As Wilson and Audrey approach the retreat, Wilson reveals more of his plans to Audrey. Once they arrive at the retreat, Wilson explains about the Security Towers, which nullify the Ink Demon's power, and introduces Audrey to Betty, the housekeeper of his retreat.

Becoming his creation

Once Audrey meets Wilson in his lab, he explains the outlines of his plan of turning Audrey to Shipahoy Dudley to dethrone the Ink Demon. However, Audrey declines, pushing Wilson into a grinder, killing him. Wilson is then reborn as a horrific and corrupted version of Shipahoy, which Audrey fights. It's unclear what happened to him after Audrey and the Ink Demon fused together.


Physical appearance

Wilson is described as a tall and thin man presumably in his 20s or early 30s, with thinning hair.



"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Audio logs

  • "The Machine" - Found in Part III: Chapter 1 of Joey Drew Studios Updated Employee Handbook.
  • "The Snake" - Found in Part III: Chapter 2 of Joey Drew Studios Updated Employee Handbook.
  • "A Gift To Mankind" - Found in Part III: Chapter 5 of Joey Drew Studios Updated Employee Handbook.

Behind the scenes


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Main article: Category:Images of Wilson Arch

"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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