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Carley is an unseen member character of the Butcher Gang. Little is known about what happened to the character.

She was created by Jane Todd, who thought that the Butcher Gang could use a fourth member but this time a female. It is ultimately unknown if she was approved as a character.


Physical appearance

Carley is a pale ghost with a slight cloudy head and wears a black bowler. She has horn-like appendages on the sides of her head. She wears a sleeveless top and black pants with big boots. Like all the other characters, Carley has oversized gloves on.


Not much is known about her personality apart from her cutout depicting her as snarky and rude.

Behind the scenes

Carley is a cartoon character who was revealed in the second chapter of Bendy and the Dark Revival.

See also

  • The Slicer, a corrupted counterpart based on the character.
