Gingerbread man

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The gingerbread man is a minor character who lasts for a short time, and only appears in Joey Drew Studios' Christmas special short Cookie Cookin.


Physical appearance

The gingerbread man is an anthropomorphic figure-shaped cookie printed with a smile and two dots for eyes.


The gingerbread man's expression appears to look happy, although for cartoon logical reasons, he strangely seems to have hunger-based suicidal tendencies, given that he does not react to being eaten by Boris.

Cartoon appearances

  • Cookie Cookin (1931) - Upon being crafted by Bendy, the gingerbread man comes alive for a little moment by standing up from the tray to wave at Bendy before laying back down lifelessly (noted that his face strangely disappears). Towards the end, the gingerbread man unexpectedly ends up being eaten by Boris as soon as Bendy takes out the tray in the oven.

Behind the scenes

From the Fan Kit's printable poster of the same cartoon, the gingerbread man looks scared and is seen running away from Bendy. However this never actually happened in the cartoon on-screen.
