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Barley is a cartoon character created by Joey Drew Studios. He is a member of the Butcher Gang and one of the antagonists of the studio's Bendy franchise.


Physical appearance

Barley appears to be a cross between a pirate and a sailor with a white beard, wearing an eye patch for his right eye, a hat and a belt with a square buckle, a pair of white gloves, and holding a corn-cob pipe with his mouth. Even though he is a human, Barley strangely sports "black outlines" around his face but under the mouth similar to Bendy. Considering their size, Barley is in exact same height as Bendy.[1]

Although Barley lacks a right eye, he still appears to have a furrowed brow over where it's supposed to be.


Barley usually has a grumpy attitude and can get easily aggressive, even towards his fellow Gang members. Sometimes he can be ignorant of certain things, as he either does not notice or care when he grinds his broom into a pole in Tasty Trio Troubles. This shows that he has a defining personality trait of being tough yet slow-witted.

Cartoon appearances

  • The Butcher Gang - This is Barley's first possible appearance with the two other members of the gang.
  • Tasty Trio Troubles - Barley is employed at the restaurant, where he sets about sweeping, managing to destroy the base of the broom in the process, but he continues to sweep anyway.
  • Demonic Tonic - Barley and the other members trap Bendy in the bottle.

Behind the scenes

Barley is one of the cameo cartoon characters who made his debut in Chapter 3: Rise and Fall of Bendy and the Ink Machine, where he was seen with the two other members from the The Butcher Gang poster. His cutouts also appear in Bendy and the Dark Revival. His corrupted counterpart called 'the Fisher' appeared in all games as one of the recurring enemies.


Barley could have been a reminiscent to the character Popeye from the Popeye the Sailor cartoons, as they are both sailors, wear sailor hats, are often shown flexing, mostly gruff-looking expressions, similar square-shaped noses, and both have corn cob pipes. Although unlike Popeye whose right eye almost always remain squinted, Barely wears an eye patch for his right eye. Judging by his a beard, Barley may also resemble Popeye's father Poopdeck Pappy.

Other information

Although his name was not seen in-game when making his first appearance in Bendy and the Ink Machine, his name was officially revealed from theMeatly's top Bendy and the Ink Machine: Chapter 3 facts video.[2]

See also

  • The Fisher, an enemy counterpart based on the character.

