
Court Theater

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"We've not seen one like this before."
The article's subject originates from the Bendy novel series' continuity, which is not deemed as canonically part of the main series' lore. See Bendy Wiki:Canon for more information.

"As of tomorrow, Joey Drew Studios now owns the Court Theater. We’ll be bringing all Bendy production back into Manhattan. Everything will be produced out of this one location: animation, toys, and anything related to the amusement park. This is a new era for Joey Drew Studios, and that’s what we are celebrating tonight!"
Joey Drew, about the Court Theater.

The Court Theater is a theater located nextdoor to Joey Drew Studios. It functioned as a theater untill it was bought by Joey Drew in 1946.


Early life

The Court Theater served entertainment for New York City by having plays. It was bought by Joey Drew in 1946 but wasn't renovated yet as Joey needed to figure things out.

Sharing the secret

Some time after buying the theater, Joey took Buddy to it through a secret entrance inside the studio. While there, Joey talked about vision and right before existing, revealed that he had the bought theater much to Buddy's shock.

While at the celebration party, Joey officially announced that he had bought the Court Theater, he also stated that he was planning to use the area for the production of all things Bendy related, varying from animation to the production of Bendy Land.

The battle

The Ink Machine was kept inside the theater after the theater's acquirement. After his transformation, Sammy started to sacrifice people to the Ink Demon by giving them up to the ink. After Sammy took Jacob, Buddy and Dot went to the theater to save him. While there, they rescued Jacob and discovered the dead bodies of Norman and Dave.

The Ink Demon then arrived at the location and after seeing Buddy and Dot, haunted them down and almost killed Dot but was dropped into an ink-filled trapdoor. But he caught Buddy off-guard and successfully killed him. After Buddy was reincarnated as Buddy Boris, he found himself on the catwalk and Joey talked to him. He told him to follow him to an unspecified area but Buddy assaulted him and ran off into the theater and the studio.


Even though there is said to be employees, none of them are known by name.

  • Unnamed director
  • Numerous unnamed actors

Behind the scenes

The Court Theater is a location that appears various times across Bendy: Dreams Come to Life.
