Dry cell

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"This lift could use a few dry cells."
Henry before finding the dry cells.[1]

The dry cells are power source items used to power up the machines and technologies.


Physical appearance

The dry cell loosely resembles a 1940s-era dry cell telephone battery. It is a golden brown rectangular prism, with a bolted-on pale yellow label with a lightning bolt insignia and rectangle outline on all sides, expect the top and bottom, which have 3 parallel groves and one T-shaped grove above them.


The dry cell batteries are, like all batteries, miniature power sources. The dry cell battery is commonly used to power portable electric machinery. In this case, the lever switch for the Ink Machine is powered by such batteries.



Bendy and the Ink Machine
  • In Chapter 1: Moving Pictures, two dry cells were found in the Ink Machine's loading dock. One dry cell is found in a shelf, and the other is found inside the chest. Once finding both of them, one dry cell must be placed to the machine at a time, then activate the switch.
  • In Chapter 5: The Last Reel, the power source of the Giant Ink Machine lair's glass tubes, two dry cells appear placed inside a small machine connected to one of the glass tubes pumping ink. However, they are unusable.

Behind the scenes

The dry cells first appear in Chapter 1: Moving Pictures of Bendy and the Ink Machine. They were added in the final remastered edition update for the DLC release of Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders.




  1. Bendy and the Ink Machine. Developed and published by Joey Drew Studios Inc on 2017-2018.
