
Alice Angel (ink realm)/dialogue

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This article contains a list of all of Alice Angel's dialogue.

Bendy and the Ink Machine

Chapter 3 - Rise and Fall

Meeting Henry

  • "I see you there. A new fly in my endless web. Come along now. Let's see if you're worthy to walk with angels."

Getting to the elevator

  • "You're so interesting... so different. I have to say, I'm an instant fan. Looks like you've got a date with an angel! Come to me now. Level Nine. Just follow the screams."
  • "Come on, step out of your cage. There's a whole twisted world out here."

In her lair

  • "'Look around. It took so many of them to make me so beautiful. Anything less than perfect was left behind. I had to do it. She made me."
  • "Hm. Now we come to the question... Do I kill you? ...Do I tear you apart to my heart's delight? The choices of the beautiful are unbearable. How's a girl to choose? Take this little freak for instance! He crawled in here... Trailing his tainted ink to my door! It could have touched me! It could have pulled me back!! Do you know what it's like? Living in the dark puddles? It's a buzzing, screaming well of voices! Bits of your mind, swimming... like... like fish in a bowl! The first time I was born from its' inky womb, I was a wriggling, pulsing, shapeless slug. The second time... well... It made me an angel! I will not let the demon touch me again. I'm so close now. So... almost perfect. Yes. I will spare you. For now. Better yet... I'll even let you ascend and leave this place. If you will do a few eensy, weensy little favors for me first. Return to the lift, my little errand boy. We have work to do!"

Gear Quest

  • "My machines are hungry. Gather me some spare parts!"

Power Core Quest

  • "I'll make this simple. Look for valve panels. Turn the little wheels. Then bring me their power cores. Please don't make me regret sparing you. I can always change my mind."
  • "Ah. That should be plenty. Return them to me. And try not to die on the way back."

Extra Thick Ink Quest

  • "Have you seen them? The swollen ones! They're just stuffed full of extra-thick ink. It makes me sick! And yet... it's the perfect thing for keeping myself together. If you're gonna catch them, you'll have to learn to move quietly. Come back to my door. I have something that you'll need."
  • "How sickening! Makes my skin crawl! But the task is done. Bring me back my equipment, please."

Bendy Cutouts Quest

  • "You see those grinning demons? Let's remove them, shall we? I've got just the tool to make this even more enjoyable.
  • "Ah, now that was fun! Oh! But I forgot to mention... He hates it when I do that. I would hide if I were you."

Angel's Wrath Quest

  • "The disgusting wretches have wandered my halls, have gone unchecked! They're trying to drag me back to the darkness! Don't let them take your angel! Purge them, one by one! Smash them into puddles! Kill them!?
  • "So quiet. Like a welcoming grave. I like the silence, don't you?"

Ink Heart Quest

  • "I hate leaving work unfinished! Fortunately, I have you to pick up the pieces. But you'll have to go even deeper. Down, down, down, into The abyss. Take the lift down. Say hello to an old friend. Sending you a little present. A little firepower. Take good care of it. It belonged to someone very special."
  • "Oops. I forgot. It's a little hard to get a hold of. Oh well. Better luck next time."
  • "Shhh... there he is. The Projectionist. Skulking in the darkness. You be sure to stay out of his light, if you don't want trouble. Just bring me back the pieces I need."
  • "Tell me, were they still writhing in your hands? Bring them to me now! I don't like to wait."

General Fetch Quest

  • "You're quite the efficient little errand boy, aren't you?"
  • "There are so few rules to our world now. So little truths. But there is one rule we all know and respect down here. Beware the Ink Demon. Stay out in the open for too long and he will find you. For if you see him, you'd better hide. If you don't, well, I enjoyed our date. Now, let us begin our work."
  • "Have you met him? The Ink Demon? They say he hears everything. Every creak of the floor. Every rustle of paper. I wouldn't run so fast if I were you, you never know what will draw him in"
  • "Return to me. Try not to die on the way back."
  • "Once upon a time, there was an angel. And she was beautiful. And loved by all. She was perfect. No matter what Joey says."
  • "There was a time where people knew my name. "It's Alice Angel!", They'd say. Feels like so long ago. But those days can come back. Dreams come true, Susie. Dreams come true."
  • "Sammy said I had talent, he was always a good liar... Still, he was once a very handsome man."

The betrial

  • "It seems like we've reached the end of my todo list, my little errand boy. I hope you've enjoyed our time together. I'll always treasure it. Return to the lift. It's time to go home."
  • "Have you ever wondered what Heaven is like? I like to dream that it's quite beautiful. A soft valley of green grass, blanketed by a warm sun. I don't think I'll ever get to see it. Are you ready to ascend, my little errand boy? The heavens are waiting. *long maniacal laughter* Did you really think I'd let you steal from me?! Did you really think I'd just let you go?! No, Henry! I know who you are! And I know why you're here! And you will not stop what needs to be done! Now come down and bring me back my Boris! It's the most perfect Boris I've ever seen, and I want it! I need it. I need its insides so that I can be beautiful again! Don't you understand? Don't you get it?! Give him to me!! Or better yet, I'll take him! Once... you're... dead!!"

Chapter 4 - Colossal Wonders

Henry's persuit

  • "Did you lose something?"
  • "I see you there, my little errand boy. Your angel is always watching. What is it that keeps you going? Is it the thrill of the hunt? The thirst for your freedom? or perhaps... You're just looking for a little, friendly, wolf... Better hurry errand boy. Boris is having trouble staying in one piece."

Bendy Hell

  • "Tell me, are you having fun? I'm sure Boris doesn't mind waiting for his rescue party."
  • "And now, the ride truly begins, Henry. Come in, and pretend it's all just a bad dream."
  • "It's a funny thing. How so much can fall apart so fast. We never really had control at the studio. Either you in someone's pocket, or you were putting someone else into yours. I just wanted what was promised to me. I just wanted to be beautiful! Surely you can understand that. Henry... Why are you here? We're all dying to find out. Do you just enjoy the terror of the drop into hell? Because if that's the case... Hang on tight. I've got a surprise..."
  • "Ha ha ha! Meet the new and improved Boris! I took what I wanted, and in return, I gave him so much more! And this time, there's no Ink Demon, no escape. Boris, tear him apart! Leave nothing!
  • "No!!! No! No! No!... Why can't you ever just die?!"

Boris and the Dark Survival

My Name is Mila

  • "I don't know why I'm even recording this...but I don't know what else to do. Please...whoever you may be...I need your help. My name is Milla. Several days ago, I got lost on in this...terrible place. There are monsters here. Things I...can't even describe...They're all trying to kill me. I can hear them outside. Please look for my messages. Please...come find me..."

Please be Strong

  • "My father was a butcher, rest his soul. My mother and I had only each other while I was growing up. She taught me how to be resilient. Strong. But now...I am afraid...afraid of that...demon outside of my door. I saw so many things dismembered in my father's butcher shop. I'm...having images of myself ending up as they did. Their bodies broken and pulled apart...please...please come find me..."

Is Anyone There?

  • "I don't know how much longer I can stay alive. I like to pretend someone is coming for me. At any moment, someone will open this door and save me from this suffering. If a hero matter what size or shape they may take...Now is the time. Please come find me..."

Hope is Fading

  • "I am not one to lie. I don't like when people lie to me. My mother always told me "Honesty, Milla. Always Honesty. Be bright and...and smile wide! Good things will come...". But I can see the world is a cruel place. I want to shine, but...It's so dark. Hope is fading down here. The monsters are closing in. Please come find me..."

My Final Plea

  • "There isn't much time...If you found my messages, here is my last one. So this is my final plea: "If there is anyone out there, if there's any good left in this world...look for my hidden key...and then find my door. Please come find me...before it's too late...sincerely, Milla Legna."

Haunting the Wolf


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Bendy and the Dark Revival

Chapter 5 - The Dark Revival


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Bendy: Secrets of the Machine

Warning the explorer

  • "He hate's it when I do that"



"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Unused Dialogue


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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