Post-credit scenes

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This article refers to concepts that were scrapped and not present in the entry's final versions. Such content were deemed not canon to the series' lore.

"My son suggested movies. Open a studio! Now I love a good film as much as anyone, but the magic of animation, now there's something special!" - Nathan Arch
This template is a to-do list. Please help out by adding the following:

  • Upload all the post-credit scene images from the old pre-updated builds of the game.
  • Fill out the empty sections.
  • There might be few more other unused stuff yet to be added.

This article contains a list of removed versions of the post-credit scene of Bendy and the Ink Machine.

Most scrapped post-credit endings for Bendy and the Ink Machine represent as screen-sized static images, and they were used between after the closing credits and before sending back to the main menu screen, until the grand release of 'Chapter 5. In the final version of the game, the post-credit scene is fully animated and takes place in Joey Drew's apartment.

List of post-credit scenes

Chapter 1 prototype demo ending

In the earliest prototype for Chapter 1, the post-credit ending, unlike all which would follow, was animated. It depicted the Ritual Room as dark, dimly lit, and the floor was splattered with ink. Seconds later, the "alpha" Ink Demon emerges from the darkness, though only his mouth, bowtie, and silhouetted features could be seen. The scene then cuts to the black screen.

When disabling lighting using hacks, it's possible to see wooden boards blocking the entrance to the Ritual Room.

This encounter was removed in the first remastered update for Chapter 2's release.

Chapter 2 pre-update ending

In the first release of Chapter 2, the post-credit image takes place in the small room, depicting the beta Sammy's liquefied remains along with his mask. Sammy's corpse was surrounded by an axe, a vinyl record, and Bendy's cutout. Boris' legs were visibly seen from the top right corner.

The image was removed in the second remastered update for the initial release of Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 pre-update endings

In the first version of Chapter 3, there are two alternative post-credit images depending on which one path Henry takes.

The "Path of the Demon" ending image was displayed after taking the "demon path" room. It depicts the "beta" Ink Demon in a large ink-flooded room, along with the Butcher Gang and the Swollen Searcher.

The "Path of the Angel" ending image was displayed after taking the "angel path" room. It depicts a small room with Boris strapped to the table, and Alice Angel's shadow can be seen looming over.

Both images were removed in the enhanced update for the initial release of Chapter 4.

Chapter 4 pre-Chapter 5 ending

In the initial release of Chapter 4, the post-credit image depicts the Lost Ones surrounding Alice Angel's corpse. It was ultimately replaced in the final version of Bendy and the Ink Machine.