
Ritual Room

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The Ritual Room is the room from the Cycle and located at the lower level after the basement.


The room contains a ritual symbol drawn on the floor with ink surrounded by five candles. There are also three coffins; two laying against the wall and the other on the floor. There are also three chairs; one from the left side and two others from the right. There is a shelf located on the left side of the room. A "The Dancing Demon" poster is printed on the wall, and from above the right side is a pipe.

On the left side, there is a door blocked by three boards, and leads to the Utility Shaft 9 location.

Points of interests

  • When opening the Ritual Room's door after breaking down the boards, the room will cause the ground to shake while the basement hallway is blocked away by debris. When approaching the ritual symbol, Henry starts experiencing flashbacks from an unknown tremor and collapses. In the next part of the story after waking up, he retrieves his axe from the coffin and chop down the boards from the door to the Utility Shaft before progressing.
  • The last can of Bacon Soup can be found in the lower part of the shelves from the room's left side.
  • A Miner Searcher can spawn on the Ritual Room's symbol after turning the wheels from all two ink valves in Sammy's sanctuary and the infirmary.
  • When using the Seeing Tool, Norman Polk and Grant Cohen's names are seen on the coffins.

Behind the scenes

The Ritual Room appears in Chapter 1: Moving Pictures of Bendy and the Ink Machine as the chapter's last room, and is also the starting point of Chapter 2: The Old Song.

The Ritual Room, like other locations of this chapter, has undergone many changes until the DLC release of Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders:

  • From the prototype demo, it triggers no cutscene when approaching the ritual symbol and instead cuts to the closing credits, but once it's over, a post-credit cutscene plays: The Ritual Room's floor is covered by some amount of ink, and the Ink Demon (in his alpha model) slowly emerges from the darkness between two chairs, then the screen finally cuts to the black screen.
  • From early versions before the initial DLC release of Chapter 3: Rise and Fall, the anonymous occult symbol was instead a five-pointed pentagram.
  • The earliest version of the Ritual Room in the prototype demo is lacking shelves, the entrance door, and boards from the door to the Utility Shaft.
  • The can of Bacon Soup was not located in previous updates prior to the DLC release of Chapter 3.
