
Office hallway

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The office hallway is a large corridor location from the Cycle.


The larger area consists of a tipped-over chair with an ink puddle underneath, a locked door, two large planks, some cobwebs, a shelf with a projector which cannot be interacted with, and a light from the ceiling. From the wall, there is a message written in ink that reads "DREAMS COME TRUE".

There is an office door next to this main area, but cannot be opened until when searching items for activating the Ink Machine. When opening the door, it is a small office containing a desk with a music radio, a chair, an ink-written "He will set us free" message on the wall, a music note picture, and a "Sheep's Songs!" poster.

After the main area is a long hallway leading all the way to the Ink Machine's loading dock, with the left side entrance leading to more locations and in front of the same area is a door to the lunch room.

Points of interests

  • The record is located underneath the small office's desk. It is one of the ritual items used for activating the Ink Machine.
  • There are two cans of Bacon Soup located on the shelf to the right from the small office.
  • The "Listening and always watching" message will display in the small office when using the Seeing Tool.
  • The music radio is found on the small office's desk. Turning on the radio plays an instrumental and shortened version of "Bendy and the Ink Machine Song" by Kyle Allen.

Related achievements

Behind the scenes

The office hallway appears in Chapter 1: Moving Pictures of Bendy and the Ink Machine.

The location returns in Chapter 4: Factory of Horrors of Bendy and the Dark Revival when Joey Drew's memory transports Audrey to the old studio.

From Bendy and the Ink Machine's earlier updates prior to the DLC release of Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders, the "DREAMS COME TRUE" text on the main area's wall was in a slightly different font, while the Ink Machine's ritual items can be located there randomly: A wrench and a record vinyl. The small office was also not added until the first remastered update for the initial DLC release of Chapter 2: The Old Song.

In Bendy and the Ink Machine, when using hacks to teleport to this room after falling into the basement, the wall from the right side of the room disappears. This probably happens to save memory.


