
S3 vault

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"Hello? Someone there? I know you're in here. Come out and show yourself."
Henry Stein to the wolf around the corner, Bendy and the Ink Machine: Chapter 2 - The Old Song[1]

The S3 vault is a safe location in the Cycle. It's believed to represent a storage area for the studio.


The first section of this area has a couple shelves full of Bendy dolls, and a few machines embedded into a wall. Other than that, the room contains a barrel, wooden boards (with one stretching across the door that leads to this room, preventing it from being opened by the Ink Demon), a Bendy doll sign, a pipe, and some ink splatters.

Walking through a door leads to the second room, which consists of barrels, pipes and shelves. Past the barrels, a door with a sign saying "LIFT" pointing to it is seen, along with a small hallway that's usually unreachable which has an ink portal at the end of it.

Points of interest

  • When walking in between the piles of barrels, a cutscenes plays, in which a hidden character kicks a Bacon Soup can. Henry asks them to reveal themself, so Boris steps out, just before the chapter ends.
  • A Bacon Soup can is on top of a barrel in the first room. Unlike the one Boris kicks, this one is edible.

Behind the scenes

The S3 vault is the final location in Chapter 2: The Old Song of Bendy and the Ink Machine.


Prior to the DLC release of Chapter 3: Rise and Fall, there was a sign above the entrance to the second room, saying "S3 VAULT". It's currently unknown why the sign was both added and removed, but it did provide a name for the location.

Boris' movement in the cutscenes was originally a lot stiffer, and moved a lot quicker.

The sign seen in the room originally lacked the arrow, instead simply displaying the word "LIFT".


  1. Bendy and the Ink Machine. Chapter 2: The Old Song. Developed and published by Joey Drew Studios Inc on February 10, 2017.
