Flora and fauna

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"Ha, I ain't even done half in months! Oh, but they won't fire me. No sir! Place this big, no one knows what everyone else is doing." - Angus Newman

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The flora and fauna respectively refers to the plant and animal life found within the Cycle.



Ink Bulbs

Main article: Ink Bulbs

The Ink Bulbs are Venus flytrap-like organic plants that hosts Ink Widows and appear in various sizes.

Glowlight flowers





Ink Widows

Main article: Ink Widows

The Ink Widows are hostile four-legged arachnid-like creatures found in deep layers of the sewers and rarely found outside of the sewers.

Ink fish

Main article: Ink fish

The ink fish are the equivalent to real-world fish. Some known fish species include the yellow perch and the gilson.

Ink crows

Main article: Ink crows

The ink crows are one of the known bird species of the Cycle. Their sizes are varied, as most are regular-sized birds but some can be twice larger.

Ink cockroaches

Main article: Ink cockroaches

The ink cockroaches are crawling insects that mostly inhabit empty or abandoned areas, such as the Drawing Board's entrance maze.


Based on Wilson's audio log, the snakes are also a part of the cycle's wildlife.


The houseflies are small buzzing insects that were mostly found flying around trash cans and other garbage areas.


The moths are insects close to butterflies. They were found hovering around lamps.
