Swollen Jack

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"Sorry I had to do that. Nice hat, though."
Henry Stein after crushing Swollen Jack, Bendy and the Ink Machine: Chapter 2: The Old Song

Swollen Jack is the ink form of former songwriter Jack Fain and is also a unique Swollen Searcher who acts as an obstacle for Henry.


Stolen Valve

After Henry leaves both Sammy's Sanctuary and the Recording Studio and heads down to the Infirmary, he will discover that a valve is missing and he needs to find it. Heading down another flight of stairs after pulling a lever near the pipe that needs the valve, he goes through some now opened metal doors and enters the sewers. He will then see Swollen Jack to the right, clutching the valve he needs. When he walks close enough (or breaks the board in front of Swollen Jack), he gets back into the ink.

Much further back in the sewers, Henry finds a boiler room, with Jack in front of a liftable platform. Everytime Henry gets close to Jack, he'll vanish under the ink. To kill him, Henry needs to crush him by pulling a lever to make the platform rise, move Swollen Jack under the platform, and then pull another lever in the boiler room to bring the platform back down. When picking up the valve, Henry says he's sorry for doing that, just before complimenting his bowler hat.

Jack's Prized Possession

Around Audrey's time, Jack's bowler hat can be seen on a table by his human form's audio log.[1]


Physical Appearance

His appearance is the exact same as a Swollen Searcher, being a lumpy and hunched-down version of a searcher. However, he has two main differences. It wears Jack Fain's bowler hat, and he holds a valve in his left hand.


Not much is known about his personality, since he never speaks, but he does want to avoid Henry, which could mean he's scared or just simply wants to mess with him. Much like other Swollen Searchers, he does not attack, which could possibly mean he's friendly.


He seems to have quite some strength, as he's most likely the one who removed the valve from the pipe.

He can travel through ink to move to another location, possibly meaning he has some sort of ability like Fast Travel.

Related Achievements

  • Killing Swollen Jack will unlock the "Special Hat" achievement, which reveals his identity.

Behind the Scenes

  • Swollen Jack was added when Chapter 4 released.


  1. Bendy and the Dark Revival. Chapter 3: The Eternal Machine. Developed and published by Joey Drew Studios Inc on November 15, 2022.