Ragtime Guffie (ink realm)

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This article refers to The Cycle's version of Ragtime. You might be looking for his cartoon counterpart.

"Enjoy the show, my friend."
Ragtime Guffie speaking to the explorer of the Drawing board

The ink form of Ragtime Guffie is a major character that acts as a greeter to the Oldtime Theater.


Early life

Not much is really known about Ragtime Guffie's life beforehand. It is unclear whether he has a soul inside him or not, or if he remembers anything from his past.

The Hallway

When the player enters The Drawing Board, they will see a figure of Ragtime Guffie in the distance. Once they take a proper step into the hallway, though, the figure vanishes.

The Oldtime Theater

When the player enters the Main Room, they have the ability to grab cans of either Bacon Soup or Beans. If they toss three into a large pipe seen the top right corner, a large panel with an X on it will move out of the way. Ragtime can be seen here, and he tells the player to enjoy the show as he motions towards the door to the Oldtime Theater. If the player goes far enough into the Oldtime Theater and comes back out, Ragtime will no longer be there.


if the player manages to restart after opening the Oldtime Theater, Ragtime can be seen on the wheelchair that's on the porch of The Drawing Board, looking out into the abyss. He will not reappear in the hallway, but will reappear outside the theater.

Bullying Ragtime

If the player tosses cans at Ragtime while he's outside the theater, the can will bounce off and Ragtime will wobble as he either groans or asks "Why?". Doing this ten times will cause him to vanish into a puff of white light, mere seconds before he crashes the game.


Physical appearance

Ragtime Guffie appears to be a cartoony human, having an extremely similar model to the ones in Bendy: The Silent City. His outfit resembles that of a ticket taker. He's wearing a clean, black outfit, white gloves, and an empty bean can on his head.


Ragtime Guffie seems quite nice to the player, telling them to enjoy the show. However, it is unknown if he actually gets mad in the event that he's hit by Bacon Soup or Beans cans, as he is only seen vanishing in a puff of white light before the game crashes.


Ragtime can teleport, as he does get from either the first hallway or wheelchair on the porch to the entrance to the theater quite quickly. Ragtime has somewhat ghostly powers, as he can fade in and out of existence (and teleport, as already mentioned). He also has the ability to crash the game, similarly to the Bendy costume.



"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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