List of scrapped content from Bendy and the Ink Machine

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"Subject has been deemed hazardous!"

This article refers to concepts that were scrapped and not present in the entry's final versions. Such content were deemed not canon to the series' lore.

"My son suggested movies. Open a studio! Now I love a good film as much as anyone, but the magic of animation, now there's something special!" - Nathan Arch
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This article contains a list of all scrapped content from Bendy and the Ink Machine.

List of scrapped content


Main article: Game Jolt achievements

The game's Game Jolt version was featured with a unique achievement system, with a total of 11 trophies. The achievements were ultimately gone when the game's Game Jolt page was removed.

Post-credit scenes

Main article: Post-credit scenes

The game's post-credit scene, which was displayed after the game's closing credit scene is finished, went through many replacements until the release of Chapter 5.


"You Left Me in a Heartbeat" track

Main article: You Left Me in a Heartbeat

"You Left Me in a Heartbeat" was a music track composed by Ray Gauld and initially used in the first remastered update for Chapter 1. In the chapter, this track used to play in the Old Studio's Theater. In the final version of Bendy and the Ink Machine, the music was replaced by Bendy's theme song whistle.

Lyrics for the "Thinking of You" track

The "Thinking of You" track in Chapter 3 was originally featured with lyrics, but they were removed by theMeatly because the lyrics were too distracting for the safehouse's scene.[1]


Henry Stein's dialogue

From the prototype version of Chapter 1, Henry's "Who put this here?!" line for encountering Bendy's cutout was nearly the same, only starts with a gasp then a sigh of relief. Furthermore, his quote immediately triggers when Bendy's cutout jumpscare occur. In the final version of the game, since the first remastered update for the second chapter's DLC release, the sounds Henry make were removed and he would only say his line when approaching the cutout.

From the prototype demo, Henry was meant to say "I'm getting the hell out of here!" after encountering the Ink Demon and while the Old Studio is starting to flood. This was removed for the DLC release of Chapter 2.

In Chapter 1 since the game's prototype release, Henry originally said "So this is the Ink Machine, huh? Wonder how you turn it on." upon entering the Ink Machine Room. When the initial DLC version of Chapter 4 came out, this voiceline was ultimately removed.

In Chapter 3, Henry has a couple of unused dialogue clips:

  • "What the heck was that?" - It is unknown where this dialogue could be used for.
  • "There we go." - Used when collecting a special gear.

In the game files for Chapter 4, Henry would have said "That's the last one. Let's find out what's in that Haunted House." after pulling the fourth and final switch to power up the Haunted House.

In the game files for Chapter 5, Henry's unused dialogue was a simple "Joey?". Henry was originally meant to say that after Joey Drew's "The End" audio log played, however this voice clip was removed for coming off as awkward.[2]

Ink Demon's dialogue

Found in the files for Chapter 4, there is an unused humorous "jumpscare" sound for the Ink Demon. It is a voice saying "Hey hey hey!" in a reference to the popular 70's American animated television show's character Fat Albert.

According to Mike D, this was a placeholder sound effect used when the Ink Demon appeared at the vent in Chapter 4.[Citation needed]

Butcher Gang's dialogue

Found in the game files for Chapter 3, there is an unused audio file from one or all of the Butcher Gang members that consist of them making growling noises and saying "IT'S COLD", as suggested by its filename 'CH3_BUTCHER_GANG_ITSCOLD.ogg'. Little to nothing is known about the planned usage.

Alice Angel's dialogue

There was an edited and shortened version of Alice's speech after Henry collects all the special gears: "Return to me. Try not to die on the way back.""

Win/lose dialogue

The "lose" and "win" audio files are hidden jokes left by the game's developers in the files.

The "lose" audio plays the voice of Mike D saying "Boo you lose! You suck!" with another member of the team repeating his line.

The "win" audio is just the developers clapping and cheering.

Español test dialogue

In the files there can be found a file called 'espannol'. Upon playing this audio file, a text-to-speech voice says "Esto es una prueba en Español", which translates to "This is a test in Español". It was likely a test for language support.


Staircase room

This inaccessible location was found in Chapter 1: Moving Pictures. It was first introduced for the game's first remastered update upon the initial DLC release of Chapter 2: The Old Song. It ends up replaced with the Animation Department, as of the third and final remastered update to comprehend with the DLC release of Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders.

The room was designed as an empty space with a single flight of stairs, with the entrance boarded up. There is what seems to be a sunlight coming from the stairs. The only way to enter it is to use hacks. Once inside, Henry can then go up these stairs, which actually lead to a wall with a light coming from nowhere.

When Henry is going through visions in the Ritual Room, the room is seen again, except Henry is on the inside of the room, and on the other side the Ink Demon can be seen next to Henry's desk. This vision was removed for the next remastered update along with the initial release of Chapter 3: Rise and Fall.

In the second remastered for the release of Chapter 3, when hacking and teleporting to the room, the player would discover Sinny's cutout next to the stairs.

Extra inaccessible rooms


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Respawning pentagram

The respawning pentagram is an early version of the game's respawning point, first introduced in update patch 0.2 for Chapter 2: The Old Song. Upon the initial DLC release for Chapter 3: Rise and Fall, it was ultimately replaced by a Bendy statue.

It is a pentagram drawn in ink, with an ink blob in the center. If one looks carefully at the blob in the pentagram, it appears to be slowly moving, similar to a heart beating. Around the area are several ink splotches.

The respawning pentagram can be only found in the hallway close to the doorway entrance to the Music Department. If killed and respawned, Searchers will have a rare chance to be spawned in waiting for Henry. The respawning point's symbol is made up of exactly five ink-drawn pentagrams layered on top of each other, as each pentagram is rotated by 72 degrees, while the ink blob reuses the Searcher's old idle model.

Film projector machine


A film projector machine was an object that was left scrapped for the final version of Bendy and the Ink Machine. From the concept art by Gavin McCarthy, this machine resembled its real-life counterpart invented in the 1930s, although its functional purpose for the game is unknown.

Character models & behavior

Ink Demon

The Ink Demon has had multiple versions of him in Bendy and the Ink Machine, with only the current version making a proper appearance in the final game. All others were placed into The Archives[3].

  • Concept Bendy - When Chapter 1 started its development, the very first "concept" of Bendy is not the widely known Ink Demon. His design nearly matches his original cartoon form with a large, floating head sporting a wide, toothy mouth going vertically around his head, originally designed by theMeatly.[3] His glove hands shared similarly to the original Bendy's early glove design, with three darts each, and his face looks identical to Bendy, but without his grin and instead would split his head in half to reveal a wide, lamprey-like maw. He is also supposed to be smaller in the game,[3] but his model in the Archives is almost at Henry's exact height. This design was entirely changed later on and was recycled for the Boris clone's model with a few changes. The texture file for his face and gloves can be even found in the first prototype's game files, as this version has never appeared in any version of the game and can only be seen in the Archives chapter.
  • Alpha Bendy - From Chapter 1's prototype demo until the initial release of Chapter 2, the Ink Demon's "alpha" design, which was jokingly referred to as "bird poop with a smile" by the development team,[3] is entirely different comparing to his future redesigned builds, having a large body and lack of arms and legs. The shape of his head is very human-like, squarish instead of the later circular one, and has a smaller grin. His horns are more spread out instead of curved, while his bow-tie has a nearly same model as his concept version but was notably missing in the Archives chapter. The "alpha" Ink Demon, when popping out from the Ink Machine room in the prototype demo, also lets out a high-pitched shriek, which is actually a placeholder sound used from theMeatly's game MeatlyMakes. The demon's model was originally designed by theMeatly before hiring Pascal Cleroux to redesign the model. His earlier concept art shows that the Ink Demon's "alpha" version was intended to have fully developed limbs with both two-dotted gloves, and from the left side of his face there is what appears to be a cartoon pie-cut eye hanging from above his mouth, but neither of them were used likely due to time constraints.
  • Beta Bendy - In the game's other early version upon initial release of Chapters 2 and 3, the Ink Demon's "beta" design almost resembles his final build. Although, his body bears a less skeletal appearance, lacking ink-dripping visual, and his left glove hand has two buttons like the original Bendy, drenched in ink with a humanized pinkie-finger poking out of the side. His left foot was much more puddle and flatter, and his grin has a less amount of details. He lacked visible hump spines, and his right human hand was partly painted with white colors. His bow tie is slightly rotated to his right for the same reason it is shifted. Furthermore, until the release of Chapter 3, the ink-spreading residue do not appear when he shows up, but when it was first introduced prior to Chapter 4, the early version of his ink aura were simple in design and resembling thin cobweb-like shadows as oppose to a more detailed version with wet and reflective effects.

Dead Boris clones

The dead Boris clone seen in Chapter 1 had a very different design in the prototype. It lacked any form of overalls or gloves, an opened mouth, large black boots, and a lot of detail into the open ribcage. The clone's eyes were sewed into two cartoony X shapes, similarly to Brute Boris. Unlike later versions, the clone was fastened down by "buckles" made out of reel models instead of straps.

Sammy Lawrence

Sammy Lawrence has had two models of him for Bendy and the Ink Machine. One is the current design, and the other is the one from the initial release of Chapter 2 and still for the Chapter 3 update in Bendy and the Ink Machine, in which Sammy has a slightly different model design. His body structure is slender and has a more inhuman-looking skin texture. His overalls are fairly different, looking bigger and slightly loose. His shoes and the lower parts of his overalls are melted into ink, appearing to be made out of sticky glue when he walks. His head is also different, possessing human ears and a mouth. While his mask looks almost the same, it has a duplicated texture from the back while the hole from the mask's mouth is bigger. His model was deemed not threatening enough by the development team and was redesigned to give him a better skeletal rig for more advanced animation.[3]


The Searchers, prior to Chapter 3's release, had very simple designs, having a lot less polygons, and also were a lot less animated and acted more like ragdolls. They randomly popped out of ink puddles that resembled clay rather than ink, and rather than going around walls to find Henry, they simply moved in a straight line towards Henry. They would get destroyed upon contact with Henry, walls, objects, or the Axe. They were created a few weeks before the release of Chapter 2.[3]

The Projectionist


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Searcher's walking variant

There is an unused walking animation for the Searchers, which resembles their walking animation used for the game, but without swaying their body.

Alice Angel's laughter

In Chapter 3, Alice Angel's jumpscare animation for her introduction shows her laughing after breaking the glass. This can be heard in-game but cannot be seen, because the view becomes completely black.

Butcher Gang's death animations

The Piper, the Fisher, and the Striker all have their own dying animations left in the game files. These animations remain unused as all three turn into ragdolls upon death in-game.

Ink Demon's animations from pre-release footage


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Beast Bendy's idle animation

Beast Bendy has an unused idle animation found in the files. Beast Bendy's teeth can be seen clipping through each other.

Texture graphics

Power Station Room's portraits


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Wooden textures


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Unused cartoon clips

In Chapter 3, while the Tombstone Picnic animation clips are seen inside the Projectionists' Offices, three of the clips went unused.[Citation needed]

In Chapter 5, a couple of Bendy cartoon clips were found in the game files, including The Dancing Demon cartoon and the Bacon Soup advertisement commercial clips. The reason behind their removal was either time constraints or not having enough room to fit in appropriate locations.

Language support icons


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Lost Ones' eye texture


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Boris glitch screen

There is a strange, meme-like screen-sized image found in the game's mobile port files. The image is a Dream Hallway screenshot edited with three glitched Boris clones and the "BORIS comes FOR THE SOUL" text was partly visible.

Audio files

Variants of used voice lines

DIA_CH5_Sammy_Death_08a - This sound is a placeholder version of 08b, which includes Sammy falling to the floor and the axe being removed from his head as part of the same audio file.

Bendy's cutout jumpscare sound variants

Searcher's death sounds


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Ink Demon's moans


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Test beeps


"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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Unlocked Game Jolt achievement sound

There was a unique sound used when unlocking the achievements from the deleted version of the game's Game Jolt version.

Other features

Unused Bendyland minigames

Found in the Unity coding script, there are names referring to two completely unused minigames that were meant to be included for Chapter 4, possibly for the Storage 9 location. The minigames include:

  • Balloon minigame - Known as 'Minigame_Balloon', this minigame was likely involved with popping balloons.
  • 'Ball wheel minigame - Known as 'Mingame_BallWheel', this minigame was likely based on roulette.

Randomly-generated content

While Bendy and the Ink Machine is featured with few randomly-generated codes exclusively to Chapter 2, this feature was also originally used in few other chapters, but was later discarded as of the DLC release of Chapter 4.

In Chapter 1, the ritual items' locations were randomly generated since the release of the prototype demo. In the game's final version, the items were now given their own specific locations.

In Chapter 3, the Butcher Gang members and Swollen Searchers originally spawn anywhere. Alice Angel's fetch quests, along with their items' locations, were also randomly generated. In the game's final version, the enemies and items now appear in their own exclusive locations: the Piper and special gears on Level K, the Fisher, Swollen Searchers, and extra-thick ink on Level 11, and the Striker and valve core on Level P.

Movable props

Some props, such as chairs and barrels, were originally coded to be moved or pushed around. The axe can also be used for breaking both aforementioned objects. It was introduced for the second remastered update for the initial release of Chapter 3, but was reverted as of the third and final remastered update upon release of Chapter 4.

