
Lost One player

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"If he really wants to be so helpful, he could be tellin' me what I'm to be doin' with this warehouse I got full of that angel whatchamacallit." - Shawn Flynn

The name Lost One player is conjectural and unofficial. This name will be used until the official name is confirmed.
This article refers to one of the playable Bendy: Lone Wolf characters. For other uses, see Lost One (disambiguation).

The Lost One player (or simply just Lost One) is, as stated in their name, a Lost One, which can can only be summoned by collecting all Lost Papers and interacting with the Ink Chooser, changing Boris or Sammy Lawrence into them.


Early life

Nothing is known about what this Lost One's life was like before he was brought into Boris' Safehouse, but it's likely he was a human that had his soul brought into the Cycle.

Looking for Lost Papers

Five Lost Papers will be found throughout Boris' (or Sammy's) adventures through the levels, appearing on top of tables and barrels and other objects.

Once all are collected, a new playable character will be unlocked, which can be used via the Ink Chooser.


When the Ink Chooser is in the shape of a skull, then Boris or Sammy will turn into the Lost One after they either enter a new level or reload the game.

The Lost One does exactly what his other two allies do; hunt for supplies, and avoid whatever creature is stalking him at that moment. His only clear difference is his appearance and his speed, being extremely slow when walking. This makes it a challenge for him to hunt for supplies and to survive from enemies, as running requires stamina, which can deplete quickly, causing him to walk.


Physical appearance

They look exactly like any Lost One, having a similar appearance to humans, only deformed, skeletal, and slimy, composing entirely out of ink, with eyes glowing a yellow and orange color, and what appears to be drool-like slime in place of their mouths. The only main difference they have is a miner hat on their head, which helps light the way.

Behind the scenes

The Lost One Player debuted in Bendy: Lone Wolf, and has not appeared in any other game, unless they are secretly one of the Lost Ones seen throughout the main series which look the exact same.


Before The Unleashed update for Boris and the Dark Survival, the Lost One debuted in The Wolf Trials update, appearing on a secret level, almost exactly the same as he is in the current game, except they do not have a miner hat, and it appears that the Ink Demon doesn't notice the Lost One until all supplies are collected. The level only had four objects to collect, and all rooms outside of the elevator room is just a long hallway.



  1. REDIRECT Template:Navbox/Bendy: Lone Wolf characters