Miner Searchers

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This article refers to the uncommon Searcher variant. For other uses, see Searchers (disambiguation).

"Watch out! Here they come!"
Allison Angel before the Searchers, Lost Ones, and Miner Searchers emerge.[1]

Miner Searchers are a more uncommon Searcher variant that are mainly only seen inhabiting the Lost Harbour. They mainly act as a stronger Searcher variant.


Back at the start

After Henry pulls the second valve in the Infirmary, a Searcher spawning sound is briefly heard. If Henry decides to walk back through Utility Shaft 9 and into the Ritual Room, he'll discover a Miner Searcher in the middle of it. It slowly follows him, and Henry will have a couple options. His first option is to simply kill the creature in a few hits. His second option is to slowly lead it all the way down through the sewers and into the boiler room. He can lead it under the platform in the room, and crush the Miner Searcher. Once crushed, Henry will receive a quick horror vision and the ground will shake. The sound of the shaking will be heard for a while afterwards.

The battle

During the Lost Harbour's long battle, Miner Searchers can emerge to attack alongside the other residents. They usually come in threes.


Physical appearance

Miner Searchers look exactly like the other Searchers. They're creatures resembling human torsos and entirely made of black ink, with the lower part of their bodies seem to melt into puddles of ink. They wear a miner hat on the top of their head, with the light always on.

They're extremely smooth-textured, with very flexible bodies, elongated arms, a human-like face complete with a nose, and the lower parts of their bodies always attach to the floor.


Miner Searchers are twice as strong as Common Searchers, being able to kill Henry in half the amount of hits a regular Searcher can.

Miner Searchers are also able to take a lot of hits from weapons before dying. Compared to regular Searchers who usually die from one or two hits, Miner Searchers are a lot stronger.


They act almost exactly like regular Searchers, but with a few key differences. When they materialize, they move towards their enemy. They're much slower than regular Searchers, but have an advantage in health and harmfulness. They also lose track of their enemy by a much shorter range. They don't disappear when they can't find anyone to attack, instead just staying still until they either despawn (this only happens in one case) or spot their enemy again. They take a few hits to be killed before Henry can continue.

They are not often seen in multiples, and even when they are, they're not usually attacking the same person.



The Miner Searchers are not seen often and are not a main threat to Henry. The only part that they'll be a proper threat is during the long Lost Harbour fight. It's best to go after one Miner Searcher at a time, and to have Tom and Allison kill the others. They can be easily outrun, so gaining health back after they've hit Henry shouldn't be much of an issue. Henry has to make sure to not get overwhelmed by other enemies alongside the Miner Searchers and to quickly kill the Miner Searchers before they can kill him.

While the Miner Searchers are stronger, being able to kill Henry in 3 hits compared to a regular Searcher's 6 hits, it attacks much slower, allowing Henry to easily get rid of them.

Weapon data

Weapon name Weapon damage points Total hits
Scythe* +10 damage +2 hits
Axe +3 damage +4 hits
Pipe wrench* +2 damage +6 hits
Tommy gun* +2 damage +6 hits
Plunger* +1 damage +12 hits
Gent pipe* +1 damage +12 hts
Syringe* +1 damage +12 hits
Empty Bacon Soup cans* +12 damage +2 hits

Behind the scenes

Miner Searchers are minor enemies with one appearing in Chapter 2: The Old Song and multiple reappearing in Chapter 5: The Last Reel. It was added with the DLC release of Chapter 4 in Chapter 2 as a secret but later appeared in Chapter 5 as a proper enemy.

Other information

After the pump switch is pulled in Sammy Lawrence's Office, the Miner Searcher will die if it hadn't already been killed. This is to prevent players from causing a glitch in which Henry is killed during Sammy's knock out sequence, causing Henry to have the death tunnel effect. Searchers ignored Henry in this glitch, and the Ink Demon simply ran in place because his AI couldn't locate Henry. This glitch was present on Chapter 4's release, but was removed after Chapter 5 released.



"Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!" - Wally Franks

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  1. Bendy and the Ink Machine. Chapter 5: The Last Reel. Developed and published by Joey Drew Studios Inc on February 10, 2017 – October 26, 2018.
